Her laughter tickles my gut. The waitress returns, setting down our rolls, and I quickly mix soy sauce with wasabi as Ally says, “It is. You know Posey calls it the Wedding Book from Hell?”

“I do,” I say through my laughter. “She isn’t wrong.”

“Sure isn’t,” she says, popping a piece into her mouth. Around it, she says, “But it’s gonna be one incredible wedding.”

“Oh, for sure, like a damn Jonas brother wedding. Which one is it who had, like, nine?”

She gives me a deadpan look. I love teasing her about her Jonas Brothers obsession. “It was two weddings, and yeah, this one might be bigger than both of his put together.”

“Aiden said Shea isn’t handling it well,” I say, speaking of Shelli and Posey’s dad.

Ally’s eyes widen as she shakes her head. “He’s one angina fit from a heart attack. I’m pretty sure when he finds out Posey is dating, he’ll end up in the hospital with a self-induced heart attack.”

I laugh. “Cracks me up. If only he knew the things those girls used to do.”

Ally laughs with me. We had some wild times, and it was worse when we would go visit Shelli in New York while she was doing her stint on Broadway. Now she’s helping run the Assassins. “Exactly! But we love him and don’t want him to keel over.”

“This is true,” I agree as I throw another piece in my mouth. “You have classes tomorrow?”

She gives me a frustrated sigh. “Yes, not everyone graduates early like you.”

I grin. “Well, not everyone takes a year off before college to go play volleyball in Spain and travel through Europe.”

She shrugs. “It was a blast. But yeah, I have a game tomorrow.”

“I’ll be there.”

She beams. “Good, maybe you can meet Angie—since she’s obsessed with you.”

I make a face. “Who’s she?”

She holds up her hand, speaking with it as she explains, “My mom’s sister, Reese’s, stepdaughter, I guess… You remember Claire? It’s her husband’s sister’s daughter. Lucy? She’s married to Benji.”

I blink. “Why the hell is the Assassins family so convoluted?”

“No clue. But that’s who she is.”

“And she likes me?”

“Yup, thinks you’re dreamy, even with the Harry Potter specs.”

I chuckle as I watch her throw another piece in her mouth. I love how her hair falls on her shoulders, and shit, I can’t believe how much I’ve missed her. Kind of sucks that she doesn’t think I’m dreamy, but why would I want to chance ruining the best relationship I’ve ever had by taking it to the next level?

Chapter Four


My mom leans on the dryer as I stuff the washer with my clothes from the week. I have no afternoon classes on Wednesday, so it’s my laundry day. I have a phobia of washing my clothes with other people’s, so I’ve always come home to do laundry. People are nasty. My mom always takes the day off from the photo studio she owns so she can hang with me. It’s nice mother-daughter time. We may fight like cats and dogs, but she is one of my favorite people.

“Elli thinks Posey is dating.”

I grin as I put some detergent in the washer. “She is.”

Mom smiles. She and Elli, Posey’s mom, have been best friends since they were kids. They had dolls growing up named Allison and Posey that we are named after. I figured that meant Posey and I were supposed to be close. Good thing we like each other. “I’m not telling you who, though. You have a big mouth.”

She laughs, smacking my ass as I walk past with my laundry basket. “So do you!”
