“Will she even like this?” I finally ask, and both my sisters look at me like I’m crazy.

“She’ll love it. Promise,” Stella says as she leans her chin on my shoulder. Emery has somehow wiggled her way between the window and my other shoulder, both of them in my phone like it’s theirs.

Suddenly, my phone signals a text.

Ally T: Hey, I’ll meet you at the restaurant. Give me the deets.

I bring in my brows as I type her back, despite Pinky and the Brain watching.

Me: I can pick you up.

Ally T: No, I gotta come home tonight. I got so much shit to do in the morning, and I don’t want to wake you up when I leave so early.

Me: I don’t care if you wake me up.

“You sound desperate. Back off,” Emery advises, and Stella nods.

“Jesus Christ,” I groan as my phone sounds again.

Ally T: Don’t worry. I’ll make it up to you.

“I bet she will,” Stella sings, waggling her brows at me.

What in the actual hell am I doing here?

Me: You better.

Stella nods. “Yeah, she’ll like that.”

“Assertive. Makes you sound like you’ve got big balls,” Emery comments, and I stare out the front window as I take a cleansing breath.

I clear my throat. “Okay, my beautiful, smart, and talented sisters. I don’t know what level you two think the three of us are on, but I’m not comfortable with this cavalier m

anner of speaking. I still see you two as babies and in diapers. Don’t talk like that.”

They actually roll their eyes in unison. “You’re the baby.”

“Such a baby,” Stella says dryly.

Ally T: What are you doing?

Me: Shopping with my sisters.

Ally T: ???? That’s nice… LOL Did they hog-tie you?

I snort, and the girls laugh too.

Me: No. I needed help.

Ally T: ??? With?

Me: Something for you.

Ally T: Oh, really?

Me: Yeah. There will be a package at the dorm containing the deets and your present. I look forward to seeing you tonight.

Ally T: I’m a little awestruck, Ash B. Speechless, even.