
“You’re going to hide our love tattoo?”

“I don’t want to die.”

“Fine, I’ll show her.”

“How rude.”

“You’re rude for hiding it!”

“I wasn’t going to hide it, just not show her!”

“You’re so frustrating, and I thought we were getting them on our wrists.”

I think that over. “Okay, fine, but I’m not showing anyone.”

“I’m making an Instagram post. Hell, I might even Live it.”

I squint at her. “I thought you loved me.”

“Oh, I do, Beef Stick. Now, make sure to write clearly.”

I gawk over at Ally and say, “Keep messing with me, and I’m gonna write ‘I love pussy.’”

“Real cute,” she throws back at me. “And I’ll write, ‘I love dick.’”

We glare at each other, and then I grab her by her chin, bringing her mouth to mine. Our kiss is a little hotter than I intended, but it’s always like that. When I part from her dangerous mouth, my heart swells, as does my cock. “Maybe I’ll get ‘Ally T. drives me nutty’ across my neck.”

It was supposed to be cute, but she’s not having it. “Please don’t.”

“Fine. Property of Ally T.”

“Ash, we are getting one tattoo.”

“You can get my name on your ass.”

She blinks. “One tattoo.”

“Come on—”

“Why are you making this difficult?”

I kiss her nose. “Because you’re so cute when you’re frustrated.”

She looks up to our artist and shakes her head. “He gets silly when he’s nervous.”

Aaron, our artist, doesn’t care. “So, what are we doing?”

“A can on each wrist so that when we press our wrists together, it’s like the string is connected and the words, ‘I love you,’ in each other’s handwriting.” Her face fills with color as she gazes up at me. I can’t take how much she means to me. She’s so damn beautiful. “Because that’s how he told me he loves me.”

“Through a can? Does that even work?”

I look at the guy just as Ally glares at him. “Yes, and it is fucking romantic, okay?”

The guy laughs as he walks off to get everything ready. “Whatever you say.”

“You know he is in control of the needles.”