Without us.

“Is Stella really moving out?”

I roll my eyes. The latest drama of the Brooks sisters is a knee-slapper. “She claims to be, but Emery doesn’t believe it. I don’t know what my sister was thinking when she cut holes in all Stella’s bras.”

Ally gives me a look. “Stella told the guy who came to bring Emery flowers that she wasn’t into him.”

I just look at her. “Apparently, he wasn’t good enough for her.”

Ally rolls her eyes. “Emery really liked him.”

“She’s a baby! She doesn’t know.”

“I knew I loved you at that age.”

I blink. “No one said you were the brightest crayon in the box.”

She glares and then leans toward Aaron. “Can you stab him a bit harder?”

I grin over at her as she gives me a sideways glance, but the spite doesn’t reach her eyes. No, those green depths promise me lots of kisses and loving when I get home. The tattoo goes quick, and soon it’s Ally’s turn. She holds my hand as he gets started, and I inspect mine. “Yup, mine is cooler.”

“He’s not even done with mine.”

“True, but my

handwriting is shit compared to yours.”

She rolls her eyes as she takes a picture of me pointing to my tattoo. “I’m sending it to your mom.”

“You’re such an ass,” I accuse, but then I take one of her. “I’ll caption it, ‘Her first tattoo is of my face and my name.’”

“I’ll kill you dead.”

I snort as I tuck my phone between my legs and watch. She leans on my shoulder and says, “We should go to Disney World.”

I bring my brows together. “What? We’re not kids anymore, Ally T.”

“I know. But we can make it, like, a yearly thing.”

“A yearly thing?”

“We can go as pirates.”

I give her a dry look. “You’re not funny.”

“But, Ash, you’re the Jack Sparrow to the Black Pearl.”

I wrinkle my face at her. “Can a pirate bone a boat?”

She blinks. “Why are you so horny?”

“Because it’s you,” I say, waggling my brows at her, and even Aaron thinks I’m hilarious.

She sighs loudly. “Hear me out. We can go, and when you propose, you can do it in front of the castle. And we can go back when we get married, pregnant, and the kids graduate. It would be sweet. We can decorate our house with all the pictures. I think it would be awesome.”

“I think you think I’m rich.”

She snorts. “Hey, my sugar daddy takes good care of me. Look at my new tattoo!”