This is weird for us. We usually talk a lot, but it’s been sixteen hours—and nothing. Not that I’ve texted her, but she hasn’t texted me either. I’m still struggling with the fact that she left with that asshole. It’s ridiculous and annoying. She needs so much more than some dude who only wants to fuck her and mess up her life. I don’t know why she doesn’t see her worth when it comes to relationships. She settles for shit, and it blows my mind. She’s highly intelligent, so why does she want him? He’s an idiot. Fucking infuriating.

Infuriating is also how Angie was. She didn’t like that I tried to stop Ally. For someone who just wants to fuck around, she gets really jealous, really fast. It’s actually a turn-off, but I can look past it. Mostly because I don’t care. Angie can be jealous all she wants, but I’ll continue to be concerned for Ally. It’s nice to be wanted completely by someone—and for them not to want to sleep with Ally—but I don’t think things will progress with Angie. She’s a cool chick and hot as hell, but we are on different paths. She doesn’t want what I want, and that’s fine. I’ll see her again, but I’ll make sure she is aware of what I want. I don’t date for fun; I date for a future. Seriously, I was engaged at nineteen. Obviously, I want companionship with someone who completes me.

As I move through the kitchen, cleaning up the mess from the breakfast I made for everyone, the house is quiet. This month, my dad started scouting for the Assassins, and he left this morning for Boston. My mom is at the restaurant, and the girls are at school. It’s nice to have the house to myself, but I’m still ready to move out. I need my own space. Emery took the last pancake I made, and apparently Stella didn’t have any, so she tried to stab the pancake away from Emery but stuck her middle finger instead. The screaming was real—even Mom and Dad got involved. It was entertaining, to say the least. So now, Emery is walking around holding up her middle finger since it hurts but directing it right at Stella. At every turn, she flips her off. It’s insanely immature, but that’s Emery and Stella.

If I don’t get out of here soon, I might end up in a straitjacket.

When my phone rings, I bring it out of my pocket to see that it’s Aiden.

Thank God.

“Damn, getting ahold of you is like trying to reach the president.”

Aiden laughs. “I’m a busy dude. Winning hockey games and planning a wedding.”

I sputter with laughter. “Please, Shelli and Elli are doing all that.”

“True,” he laughs again. “So, what’s up? You’ve been harassing me.”

“Wanting to talk to my brother is harassing you?” I ask as I lean on the counter. “What if I needed something important? Would that be harassing?”

He groans in frustration. “Dude, shut up. I know what you want. You want my condo because you can’t handle the girls.”

“Well, aren’t you intuitive?”

He laughs. “I lived there too. I know what it’s like now that their periods have synced.”

I laugh along with him. “Stella stabbed Emery with a fork this morning. It was by accident, apparently.”

Aiden snorts. “No, it wasn’t. I don’t understand those two. They almost always kill each other, yet they love each other more than anything. It’s weird.”

“So weird,” I agree on an exhale. “But seriously, can I

get your condo?”

“Yeah, it’s empty. Take it.”

I jerk back in surprise. “When did you guys move?”

“Last week. We moved into a bigger apartment while they’re finishing building our house.”

“A bigger apartment?”

“Yeah, Shelli has a lot of shit.”

“I know,” I say, and he laughs.

“Our new place will be pretty awesome. I don’t know how Shelli can run the team, decorate our house, and plan our wedding, but I think she’s pretty badass.”

“She’s something, for sure.”

“We’ll be having a housewarming once it’s done.”

I grin. “It’s weird. I never saw this coming from you.”

“Eh, for the right woman, you’ll do anything. Shelli is that and more.”

“That’s awesome. I’m really happy for you.”