I scream it often in my head.

Chapter Fourteen


There was a wreck on the interstate, which made my ride home longer. Not good since all I did was wonder what Asher said to Wes. I’m curious how he handles it when people try to push us together or assume we’re a couple. I’ve gotten so good at brushing off the comments and questions, but he hasn’t been around everyone regularly like I have. Is it easy, or does it give him the notion that maybe we should try? I can’t shake the memory that he was checking me out at the bridal shop. I felt his eyes on me at all times, but he isn’t a shy dude. If he wanted me, he’d make a move. Or at least talk to me about it. One thing is for sure, I’m getting really annoyed with myself for feeling this way for him and not doing shit about it. He’s been home for weeks, and I’m more in love with him than ever before. I need to do something, or I need to move on.

Hence my date with Taco.

When I get to my dorm, I don’t have much time before Taco is supposed to show up. He’s over at his friend’s house on the other side of campus and is planning to meet me here so we can catch a late movie. I rush inside and take the stairs to my floor, two at a time. I didn’t do cardio today, so this is good for me, even if it makes me want to die. When I reach our room, the door is open and I hear Nicolette inside. I enter and look right at Angie where she is lying on her bed. Nicolette is on mine.

Angie sits up slowly, and I say, “Hey, stranger! Where have you been?”

I sit down beside her, and she draws her legs into her chest. “At my parents’. I’ve been stressing and feeling a little overwhelmed. I wanted to be home.”

I smile because I know she’s lying. “Oh, I’m sorry. I hate that for you. Can I help? We can redecorate so you feel like this is home. I’m sure class is kicking your ass, and you’re probably not sleeping long enough.”

She shakes her head, averting her eyes from me. “It’s not that I’m not comfortable here, I love you. I just needed some space.”

I bring in my brows. “From me?”

She looks up. “No, not at all. Just everything.”

I search her eyes. “Angie, you’re acting weird. What is wrong?”

“Maybe, I should go,” Nicolette says, standing up, but Angie stops her.

“No, it’s fine. There is nothing wrong. I’m staying. I’m fine.” Her words are cryptic and unlike her. She is usually so carefree and happy. She seems closed off and unsure of herself. My heart kicks up in speed as I reach out, holding her ankle. I need her to know I care, that I am here for her, and I hope my eyes are telling her that.

Just in case, I whisper, “Angie, tell me what’s wrong. I love you. I’m here for you. I can help.”

I see the tears welling up in her green eyes. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s not about Asher, is it?”

She shakes her head almost violently. “Not at all. He was very sweet, and no, it’s not him. It’s nothing reall—”

But then her words cut off, and her eyes widen. I glance in the direction she is staring, and behind me is Taco in the doorway. He’s wearing a nice pair of slacks and a button-down. His hair is brushed back, and he’s got a wide smile. He moves his eyes from me to Angie, and something flashes in his gaze before he looks back to me. “Hey there, gorgeous.”

Angie is up and out of the bed before I can even look back at her. “Hey, um, Nicolette, can I borrow your notes from psych class?”

Nicolette is confused, looking between Angie and me before she nods. “Of course.”

She gets up too, and I watch as they head to the door. Taco moves out of the way, and Angie basically hugs the wall to get out of the room. My brows come together as my heart pounds in my chest.

She’s terrified of him.

He shuts the door and flashes me a grin. “Hey—”

“What happened?”

His grin falters a bit. “Huh?”

“What hap

pened with Angie?”

His grin is gone, and slowly, he shrugs. “She didn’t tell you?”