“I don’t. It’s not my thing,” he says with a grin, and I try to ignore the need to tell him to stay the fuck away from Ally. Maybe I can scare him?

“A lot of dudes say that, and the right girl comes along—and bam!”


“Bang? Boom? I mean, it’s your choice on the sound it makes when your jaw hits the ground and you’ve been smacked by the love stick.”

He blinks. “You know, Aiden said you were a dorky dude.”

Yup, I’m not a fan of this guy. “Well, this was fun,” I say dryly just as Aiden comes back in the room. I check my phone. “Dude, you ready?”

“Yeah, let me tell Shelli.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you,” Wes tries, and I grin at him.

“No worries, but stay away from my sister.” His eyes widen. I don’t know why it bothers me that he called me dorky. Everyone does. But this dude, he doesn’t even know me. “And Ally.”

“I thought you two weren’t together,” he protests, holding his palms up at me.

I tower over him as I grab my phone. “Doesn’t matter. Stay away, or we’ll have words.”

Did I just threaten a dude for Stella and Ally? What the hell is wrong with me?

He smirks. “We’ll have words?”

Before I can tell him I’ll kick his pretty-boy face in, Aiden comes back into the room. “Ready?”

I give Wes one last look. “Yeah, let’s go.”

Wes laughs. “Dude, your brother threatened me!”

Aiden looks over his shoulder and laughs. “Probably deserved it.”

He did, but as we head out, Aiden asks, “What did he do?”

“He doesn’t want a relationship, but he wants to sleep with Stella and Ally.”

“At the same time?”

I whip my head to him in horror. “Ah, no!”

He grins at me. “Oh well, I bet you didn’t get mad until he said something about Ally.”

I don’t answer that; I just pull out my car keys and then pat my other pocket to make sure the gym key is in there. It’s not. Shit. “Where did I put that key to the gym?” I look through the car, in my cupholder, and it’s not here. “Shit.”

“Did you leave it at your condo?”

Then it hits me. I gave it to Ally to hold for me. “Fuck no, Ally has it. Get in. We gotta catch her before she goes to the movies with NachoFuck.”

Aiden snorts. “NachoFuck. It’s like Not Your Fuck.”

I give him a dry look. “And people call me a dork.”

He grins as he pulls up the navigation. “You’ll need to go through the neighborhoods. There is a wreck on the interstate.”

“Ooh, hopefully that delayed her.”

As I ride, I chew the inside of my cheek. Something is stirring inside me, and I need to get it out. I don’t do well with dwelling. “I can talk to you about anything, right?”