Kill me now. I ignore my crazy aunt and look at my mom. “Can we leave?”

“We know it’s true,” Audrey says, leaning on her hand. “We all know the truth, wanna join us?”

I look at my mom, and she nods. “I’ve always known.”

I blink. Wasn’t expecting that, but I sure as hell don’t want to talk to them about this. I need to talk to Ally. “You guys are delusional. Can you take me? I forgot my phone at home, and I can’t call an Uber or, hell, Ally, for that matter.”

“So eager. He’s really in love.”

These two need to chill. I’m just now accepting I have feelings for Ally. Love. That’s a huge step in itself. I’ve never allowed myself to feel that for anyone, especially not Ally. It’s scary to realize that your person, your best friend, could be more. But I can’t stop thinking that, in an instant, I could lose not only my best friend, but more, if it goes sideways. My gut hurts, but I can’t let that hold me back. I need to go. I need to see her. I need her to help me figure this out.

I reach for another cupcake as my mom says, “Be sure you know what you’re doing, Asher.”

I look up at her. “What do you mean?”

“Taking it to the next level will change everything. Be ready to be all in because there is no other option. You can’t be friends with benefits. It’s either all or nothing.”


“Ally isn’t Jasmine. Ally is already important to you. You don’t want to lose that.”

I feel as if I’m going to puke. “Are you trying to scare the shit out of me?”

She smiles sweetly. “Just being honest. If she goes to the next level with you, she will give you her whole heart. Are you ready to do the same?”

Am I? Shit, that’s terrifying. Fucking hell, I need to talk to Ally. “Can you take me now?”

Mom shares a look with her sister as if they know what I’m thinking and feeling, but she gets up. “Fine, fine. Let’s go.”

“Thank God,” I moan, but then my heart kicks up in speed.

I’m doing this.

Am I doing this?

I have no clue what I am doing.

Mom drops me off at Ally’s dorm, and when I see my car, my heart yearns.

“I miss you, Rocket,” I mutter as I head to the building. This no-driving shit is giving me anxiety. With my injury, Tony and Artie are very understanding. They’re giving me the week off to heal, but the thought makes me itch. I like working and keeping busy. I don’t need time off; I just need to be able to drive. Apparently, you can’t with one eye. Really, an unfair situation, but even so, I’d do it all over again for Ally. I don’t regret what I did. I know I didn’t think, I just reacted. But for her, it seemed natural.

As everyone has pointed out, that has to mean something.

I head up the stairs, ignoring the looks from Ally’s teammates. I’m sure pirates don’t hang out around the volleyball team. They may like guys without teeth, but eyes…they might want a guy with those. When I reach Ally and Angie’s room, the door is open. I don’t see her on her bed, so I knock as I look in. Angie is on her bed, her AirPods in as she writes in a notebook. She doesn’t hear me, so I knock again and call out her name.

I startle her, so I hold up my hand. “Sorry.”

She takes out an AirPod and waves at me. “Oh, hey.”

“Can I come in?”

She nods. “Of course.”

I walk toward her. “How are you doing?”

She shrugs. “Okay. I told my parents about it, and they’re demanding I come back home.”

I smile. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from the Paxtons. They love you.”