
He brings my hands up, kissing each of my knuckles. “I messed up.”

My body goes still as I gaze up into his eyes. I somehow miss that damn patch, but I know he doesn’t. “How so?”

“I haven’t taken you on a date. Like, our first date.”

Jesus. Swoon. “Oh.”

“And I thought I should fix that.”

I’m breathless. “Well, that’s incredibly sweet of you.”

“I know,” he says, moving his lips along my jaw. “I don’t want our first date to be a hookup. I want it to be something special.”

“Um, it was a hot kiss through a net that started all this.”

He holds up his hand. “Actually, it was a hot kiss after I kicked some dude’s ass for you.”

“You’re right,” I admit, grinning. “Either way, how we started is special to me.”

He lets out a breath. “I know. To me too, but I wanted to give you something that will show you how much you mean to me.”

My jaw drops as I look up at him. “Wow.”

“Yeah, I know.”

I roll my eyes. “So full of yourself.”

His laughter tickles my gut as he leads me into the room. It’s warm from the fire, and I take off my jacket, dropping on the floor before lowering to my knees on the pillows he’s arranged around the blanket. He sits down by me and hands me a metal s’more maker. We gather ingredients and start to make the s’mores, carefully. I don’t want to get cussed out by Fallon for getting marshmallow on her fireplace.

As my s’more cooks, I fall back on my haunches and grin over to Asher. “I’m excited.”

“I know,” he says happily. “I know how you are about s’mores.”

“Remember that summer we went to camp? All of us?”

He nods, laughing. “Yes, my dad was so pissed I didn’t go to hockey camp with Aiden.”

I laugh. “Yeah, but we had so much fun.”

“I got fat,” he says, and I laugh even harder.

“You did not!”

“I did. And when I came back, my aunt called me Roly Poly. I really don’t understand why she picks on me.”

My laughter is uncontainable. “She picks on everyone.”

He widens his eyes. “That’s a lie!”

“She called Aiden Boogie Butt, and to this day, the guys on the team call him BB.”

He grins. “When I heard that, it made my month.”

We share a smile before I take a huge bite of my s’more. When I taste caramel, my eyes widen. “You got chocolate with caramel inside?”

He looks away bashfully. “It’s your favorite.”