“No, I’m serious.”

I swallow hard. Our baby boy will be here any day now. Are we sure we want to do this now? “Can I call my husband?”

“Of course.”

I open my phone and dial Jude’s number. He answers after the third ring. “Sorry, I’m at this lunch. I had to excuse myself for the bathroom. Are you okay?”

“I am.” My voice is weak. “Dr. Livingston wants to do another round of in vitro.”

“What? Why? It hasn’t worked.”

“I’m ovulating.”

“No way.”

“Yeah,” I say, breathless. “I know the baby is gonna be here any day now, and I know we’re moving—”

“Do it.”

My heart tries to explode in my chest. “Really?”

“Yes. I’m so sorry I’m not there, but do it.”

“But the baby? The move?”

“They’ll hopefully be nine months apart. Irish twins. Close like Jayden and me. We got this. It’s you and me, gorgeous. We got this.”

I cover my mouth to keep the sob in. “What if it doesn’t work?”

“But what if it does?” he stresses. “I love you, Claire. I love you so much. Do it.”

I close my eyes as more of my tears leak out. I don’t have to think long before the word leaves my lips. “Okay.”

“Okay,” he says on a sigh. “I love you, gorgeous.”

“I love you,” I say as everything tingles.

Dr. Livingston cups my knee with a grin on her face. “Okay. Let me get everything going.”

Oh my God! What if this works?

* * *

“How do you feel?” Reese asks.

Giddy. I feel fucking giddy. The grin on my face is permanent as I drive toward the restaurant where I’m meeting Tristan. Our lunch has now turned into an early dinner, but she didn’t mind. She did some homework from what she said, but I didn’t tell her why I was running late. I want to tell her in person. I did tell Reese, though. As soon as I got off the phone with Jude, I called her, and being the great aunt she is, she’s as excited as I am.

“I feel great. I think this might be the time.”

“Oh, Claire, I’m so excited for you. I hope it is. I want it to be. So much.”

“Me too,” I gush. “Can you imagine, two babies? When we’ve only wanted one for so long?”

“It would be a blessing.”

“Seven-in-ten odds are awesome.”

“Very awesome,” she says, happy for me. “Is Jude excited?”