He shakes his head. “Those boys don’t care about ba

bies. If we were bringing home a new stick, then yes, but not a baby. They just want to see Auntie Claire.”

I laugh. “Probably. I am their favorite.” I squeeze his hand. “You know who’s getting him first.”

He looks to me, and we smile as we say, “Mom.”

Autumn will make sure of that. I doubt we’ll even get in the door before she has him out of his car seat and into her arms. Reese will probably fight her for him, but Autumn won’t care. I’m so excited to watch it all. I have waited so long to be the one to bring a baby home to the family. Our family is so big, so wonderful, and everyone loves so hard. I’m not even home yet, and I’m already in tears. It’s all going to be perfect.

“I’m excited.”

Jude nods. “Me too,” he says, kissing my hand once more. “We’re gonna have a great life, Mama.”

“We are,” I agree as I lean my head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I was so upset at first.”

“Don’t be. It was a lot of change, and we sure as hell didn’t think things would work out like they have.”

“Exactly,” I say, loving that he can read my thoughts and know what I am feeling. “I am beyond happy, though, Jude. Seriously.”

“So am I, gorgeous.” He winks at me, and I grin. “Mostly because I am married to your fine ass.”

I laugh. “Whatever. It’s the baby.”

“Well, duh.” He nods with a laugh. He turns his head, kissing my forehead as he turns into a residential area. The houses are large, fancy, and of course, it’s where Jude picked a house for us. I wanted to be on the water, and this was the neighborhood he found for us. It’s gated and very safe, which is good for when he is gone. I’m usually fine when he’s on the road, but with a new baby, I’m a little nervous.

So much change, but sometimes, change is good. In this case, it’s been the best change of our lives. Scary, but the best.

When we turn onto a road, I see a billion cars in front of a house, and I know it’s ours. Thankfully, Mom made sure to leave the driveway open for us, and when we pull in, the house takes my breath away. It’s a nice white-stucco home with bright-red shutters and door. On the door is a wreath with our last name in it. That’s Lucy’s doing, I’m sure. I smile as chills run through my body.

“Welcome home, baby.”

I lean over, meeting Jude in the middle for a long, lusty kiss. He tangles his fingers in my hair, and everything catches on fire. But that’s kissing Jude; he lights me from within.

Always has, always will.

As I step out of the car, Jude gets Harrison. I walk around the car as Jude walks toward me, holding the car seat. I hold up my phone. “Let me take a picture!”

He rolls his eyes, completely over my picture-taking, but I don’t care. These are memories! I snap one of him grinning while Harrison sleeps soundly. “Got it!”

He laughs as he takes my hand, and we head toward the house. Everything is so peaceful around us, and I can’t wait to sit on the back porch with a cup of coffee and my baby in my lap. When I hear chatter, loud chatter, Sinclair chatter, I look at Jude, and he shrugs. “I think everyone is in the back.”

I nod as he opens the door for me, and I walk in. A huge sigh of relief leaves my lips when I see the house is completely set up. No boxes, no signs of moving whatsoever. It’s all like it was back in Minnesota, and it almost makes me cry. I love my family.

“I owe our family so much.”

Jude takes my hand. “No way. This is what family does.” A grin takes over my face as he looks over at me. “Let’s go check out Harrison’s room.”


“They’re fine for a second. Plus, I want to take him out of this carrier so my mom doesn’t grab for him.”

I laugh as he leads me down the hall. All our pictures from over the years are hanging on the walls of the hallway, just as I would have done it. Our wedding, him winning the Cup, me at the dance studio, and even some of us from college. Family pictures, all our nieces and nephews, and a few candids of us with friends. Our life in pictures. I’ll need to get some prints of Harrison, but I have time.

When I reach the end of the hallway and see the huge photo of us with Tristan and Harrison on the day he was born, my breath catches.


Jude grins. “Lucy’s doing.”