“We’re so proud!”

“We love you, Amelia!”

Yes, we’re obnoxious as hell, but I don’t think we bother anyone.


I laugh along with Shelli as she snaps pictures, putting hearts all over Amelia’s photo until the announcer says, “From Mesquite, Nevada, Sofia Castilleja.”

The announcer draws out her last name, and the crowd goes wild, but I’m stunned in place. I know I don’t have an up-close view of her, but from where I’m sitting, she is stunning as fuck. A girl hasn’t made my mouth go dry in a very long time. Robin sure as hell didn’t, but Ms. Sofia Castilleja, oh yes, it is a desert in my mouth.

She’s absolutely luscious.

She’s maybe an inch taller than Amelia, but she isn’t built like my sister or even her teammates. She’s thick. Her leotard is tight, hugging her hips and thighs. Her shoulders are big. Even covered by the sleeves of her leotard, I can see the definition of her muscles. Her breasts are on the small side, but her ass makes up for it. Her hair is dark and looks like it might be curly from the huge bun on her head with a teal and black bow tucked into it. She’s wearing bright-teal eye shadow, like Amelia, with bright-pink lips, but I’m too busy drinking in her thighs.

Who the hell is that, and why don’t I know her?


“Hey, Mom, is that Amelia’s roommate?”

She’s clapping loudly as she nods. “Yes, Sofia. She’s such a sweetie and crazy talented. I’m excited to see her.”

“From what Am said, she is like Olympics-good.”

I look back to Shelli. “Why’s she here?”

“She got some crazy full ride. It’s like they pay her to be here. Am says she has an allowance from a private donor. Insane, right?”

“I want that, Daddy. Can I have that?” Posey asks, and he grins at her, kissing her temple.

“So what you’re saying is you want me to pay for everything and give you an allowance without saying it’s me?”

She blinks, her lips curving. “Exactly.”

“Can you do that for me too, Dad?” Owen asks.

“Me too,” Evan asks, and Quinnie holds his hand up.

“You too?” Shea asks, and Quin shakes his head.

“No, can I just live with y’all forever?”

I shake my head as they all start to argue over who is going to live with Shea and Elli for the rest of their lives. I can’t stop my eyes from drifting back to where Sofia is. She has the sexiest jawline, I swear it. Her skin is a honey color, and the teal of her leotard makes her look darker than she is. She is fucking gorgeous; Amelia wasn’t lying.

Sofia and Amelia hold hands as they stretch, both with full grins on their faces. And thankfully, I have a perfect view of Sofia’s ass. Her leotard doesn’t cover much, and while it’s good for me, I’m a little pissed to know that some other guy could be looking. Fucking sleazeballs.

Shit…am I a sleazeball?

“Dude, stop drooling,” Shelli whispers in my ear, and I wave her off.

I wipe the drool I hadn’t realized was leaving my lips, and I’m met with her laughter as I look away, chuckling to myself.

Even me.

When everyone else sits down, I don’t.

I don’t even watch my sister take her turn.

I’m too busy texting her.

Introduce me to your roommate, and you can come to any party you want at the house. Promise.