Chapter Twenty-Eight


I’m startingto think this girl is out to kill me.

Sofia wasn’t sent to take me to oblivion with those sweet eyes and quick tongue. Nope, she was sent to push me into an early grave due to sexual frustration.

Sofia: I think we should just have sex and get my virginity out of the way.

She couldn’t say that last night before she had me coming in my pants?

I sit up in my bed.

Me: Okay, whoa. Pump those brakes, Sofia.

Sofia: What?

Me: What are you doing? Can we talk on the phone?

Sofia: I’m sitting with Amelia.

Sofia: Okay, never mind. She walked away.

I hit her name and wait only a second for her to answer.

“Hello?” she coos, and my cock jumps to attention.

“Stop that.”

She giggles. “Stop what?”

“Being a sex kitten. You’re killing me.”

More giggles. “I am not.”

“Oh yeah, you are. You tasted the juice, and now it’s all you want.”

She pauses. “I think the juice got on your pants.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, and then I can’t contain it; I start laughing. Her soft, carefree laugh joins with mine, and fuck, my heart swells for this girl.

“I just wanted to nap.”

“Nap, then,” she says simply. “We can talk later. I’m coming to your game.”

I’m confused. “I thought you had to work.”

“Nope, I want to go.”

She’s not working for my sake? Don’t let that go to your head, Justice. “You sure?”

“Yeah, I’ve worked all day, and I’m coming back tomorrow.”

I struggle with that. I know how much she wants her mom to come visit. “Well, it means a lot to me that you want to come.”

“Of course. I love watching you.”

My voice drops. “Well, we know I love watching you. Breathing, flipping, moaning, you name it, it’s my jam.”

She takes in a deep breath. “So, what do you say? Tonight?”

My body goes tight. “That is not fair.”


“Well, that’s depressing.”

“Exactly. Which is why I want more for you.”

She thinks that over, and I can practically see her chewing on her lip. “So, when?”

“I don’t know. We can make a date of going over dates together. I’ll buy you coffee, and I’ll get you off in my truck.”

My lips curve as I’m met with her laughter. “You’re insane.”