Page 11 of Taken by the Rebel

“There’s no reason for you to get angry anymore. Nothing happened. Trust me, nothing would have happened. You think I don’t know how to do my job?”

“I know you know how to do your job, Fay. I just … I don’t want you locking that shit up. There’s no reason to.”

Seconds passed and she released a sigh. “Fine. It’s nothing bad or anything, he … he asked me what it would take to have my pussy first before all of his friends had a turn.”

Blaze gripped the steering wheel tightly. He wanted to go back there and beat the shit out of him. To mess with him and his friends.

“Blaze, don’t get mad. I wasn’t going to do it.”

“No man has the right to talk to you like that.”

“I know, but he’s not worth going to jail for.”

Blaze chuckled. “He wouldn’t be the first suited asshole I’ve put in the hospital.” He got paid to do it on a regular basis. Another little side business he had going. Nothing his sister or Fay needed to know about.

“I don’t like it when other men say it,” Fay said, surprising him.


She nibbled on her lip. “But I … I like it when you say something dirty to me. It turns me on.”

And just like that, the thought of breaking the man’s face evaporated.

Chapter Four

Arriving at Blaze’s apartment, nerves fluttered in Fay’s stomach.

He didn’t pin her to the door, but as soon as he flicked the multiple locks into place, he spun around to face her.

She waited.


A little anxious.

The businessman had been a regular at the bar, and she was used to him making inappropriate advances. Trying to use his money to get what he wanted. She never caved to him. He made her skin crawl.

Blaze looked ready to commit murder, and he didn’t even know the half of it. He didn’t know that sometimes her boss would allow the suit to come around the back when she was looking for something or grabbing some beers. He’d try to get her to change her mind.

She now made sure whenever she was on shift, there was nothing she needed.

The man was a pig. She hated him. But work had to be done. A wage had to be made.

“Take off your clothes.”


“Trust me. I’m not like those fucking assholes.”

He dropped his keys on the tabletop, much like he had done the other week when she caught him fighting. She glanced at his knuckles and saw they looked bruised.

Who had he beaten up?

What was his story?

She didn’t take her clothes off, just stared at him.

Blaze groaned, and she had to look up to see what had made him do that.

His hand was still on his dick, and he stared at her with … wonder? She wasn’t sure. No man had ever looked at her like that before.

Sinking her teeth into her lip, she kicked her jeans to one side and stood before him in a sports bra and a pair of plain black panties, no lace in sight.

She expected to see disgust in his gaze, or at least his cock to have gone flaccid. Fay looked up as he stepped forward. Blaze helped to remove the last of her underwear until she stood before him in only a pair of socks. She wasn’t wearing her boots today, just a pair of flats she’d toed off to remove her jeans.

Blaze let go of his dick and captured her chin. “From now on, no one talks to you like you’re shit, Fay. You’re mine, and my woman commands respect. Got it?”