
“I just can’t believeyou broke up with him,” my mom says for what must be the fifth or sixth time since I got home from work. I roll my eyes, just thankful my dad isn’t around to pile onto the inquisition, and grab my towel off the hanger.

“He was an asshole, Mom. Believe me, if I told you exactly what he said—”

“But he was rich,” she laughs. “He would have been an easy ticket to the high life!”

“That’s nice, Mom. So he’s right he gets to cheat on me?”

Mom waves a dismissive hand in the air. “So he gets a little side action. Big deal! You get to live in a big house and wear diamonds, maybe have your own side piece too.”

I almost gag. “That sounds great, Mom. Date a guy for his money and then have some weird relationship where we both cheat on each other? No, thanks.”

“Hey, you want out of the valley, don’t you?”

Part of me desperately wants to tell her about Grant and all the amazing things going on between us, but I just can’t. I’ll have to someday, but right now, Grant is like this private secret, a wonderful little treasure I get to keep just to myself, and I’m not going to tell her and have her try to ruin it somehow by saying or doing something stupid.

“I’ll figure something out,” I say, heading for the bathroom. I need a shower after work if I’m going to see Grant, especially after Logan spilled almond milk all over me and got it in my hair.

“Not working at the coffee shop you won’t,” my mom laughs. “Take my advice, Nikki, and call Reed back and apologize. You won’t regret it.”

“That’s not happening,” I reply, closing the bathroom door in her face.

I run the water as hot as I can and step into the shower, trying not to think about how obnoxious my mom is and doing my best to focus on the fact that I’ll be seeing Grant again tonight. That’s all that matters. I’m pretty sure I could have been attacked at gunpoint today and seeing Grant would make me feel all better. That’s the kind of effect he has on me.

I wash up, and when I get back to my room, I see I already have a text on my phone:

I’ll be outside in 15 to rescue you, gorgeous.

Even seeing him call me gorgeous in text gives me butterflies. I race to get ready, wishing I had more time and something designer to wear but end up going with a plaid skirt and a white blouse that’s cute…I guess, and a pair of mauve almost-heels. I manage to do a cursory job of my make-up before it’s time to go. My mom catches me on my way out.

“Where are you going?” she asks.

“Um, I’m going to see Steph.”

“Steph? Who’s Steph?”

“Remember that girl who used to work with me a few months ago?” I ask. “She invited me to go hang out with her and some friends.”

It’s not a complete lie. Steph did invite me to hang out with her and some friends – it was just four months ago, and I never ended up responding because I was too nervous to go.

“Sounds fun,” my mom replies. “Sounds like something you might take a boyfriend to? A boyfriend like Reed?”

“Okay, I’m going,” I reply quickly, heading for the door. “Good-bye!”

Thankfully, my mom doesn’t follow me out. But when I get outside, I see Grant has parked a block down the street anyway just to be cautious. Feeling devilish and naughty, I make my way quickly over to his car and get in.

“Hey there, gorgeous.” He smiles from the driver’s seat, looking more handsome than ever in a navy blue suit with a white shirt underneath with its top button undone and tie loosened. “How was work?”

My blush instantly overwhelms my face.

“I feel so…naughty,” I reply. “Lying to my mom like that.”

Grant pulls away from the house and does a U-turn, heading in the direction of Malibu.

I moan back a sound of affirmation but stay down where I’m supposed to be. I don’t want to lift up for even a second and deny him the pleasure I’m giving him. I know I’ve never done this before, but I want to make him feel better than he’s ever felt before. I want to be the best. I want him to teach me exactly what he likes so I can do it to him every morning and every night.

I take a deep breath, force myself to relax, and go down on him as deeply as I can. I don’t get it all, but I get close, and Grant groans with satisfaction.

“Fuck, baby. Jesus, that’s incredible.” I stay there as long as I can, but my eyes begin to water, and I have to come up for air. “Damn, you’re sure you’ve never done this before?”

Holding the thick, swollen tip between my lips, I manage to bring my eyes to his and gently shake my head. He glances briefly down at me and smiles, then lifts the hem of my skirt and finds my soaked sex with his middle two fingers.

“Oh, you’re ready for me, aren’t you?” He spreads me and slides one finger inside, sending a jolt of pleasure straight through me. “You’re so tight, gorgeous. Just wait until I get you home. Then the real fun is going to begin.”