“Lay back then, Miss Ford, and let’s get the sonogram out. With any luck, the little munchkin will cooperate and give us a good look. The nurse said you’d like to know if you’re having a girl or a boy, right?”

“Definitely,” I answer.

“No surprise gender reveal party for you?” she laughs.

“Nope. I just want to know what color to paint the nursery.”

Thomas frowns and I feel his hold on my hand tense.

“We n-n-need our own house.”

I blink.

“Babies do require room,” the doctor agrees while lifting my shirt.

“We n-n-need a yard,” Thomas says, and his face looks close to being in shock. I frown.

“Uh, we can talk about it later, honey.”

His face goes soft as he brings our joined hands to his lips and kisses mine.

“Oh,” I gasp as the doctor squirts the gel on my tummy.

“It’s a little cold,” she says. I don’t respond, but I definitely agree.

We sit in silence as she moves the wand over my stomach and in just a few seconds the sound of our child’s heartbeat echoes around the room. I’ve heard it several times now, but each time feels special. It’s hearing a miracle and it never gets old. My gaze moves to Thomas and I can see that he feels it, too.

Together we look at the screen as she begins freezing pictures in frames and taking measurements.

“That’s our b-b-baby,” Thomas says, and the wonder in his voice makes tears sting my eyes.

“Oh my God,” I whisper, because for the first time you can actually see a baby and it’s beautiful. “Is it a girl or a boy?” I ask, my heart squeezing in my chest. I can see it moving, the little feet and hands, the head…everything.

The doctor moves the wand around and freezes the screen. I think I know, but I wait for her to tell me. In the end, it’s Thomas who answers.

“We’re having a girl.”

“I would have to agree,” the doctor admits. Thomas and I look at one another. I don’t have to ask if he’s happy. I see it on his face and in the way he kisses me, even with the doctor there.

We’re having a baby girl…

Chapter 24


One Week Later

“Lyla? Are you okay?”

I jerk my attention back over to Jazz. Shit. Daydreaming again. That seems to be a common occurrence ever since I had sex with Thomas. I refuse to call it making love. That may be what we’re doing—at least on my end—but it’s not the same for Thomas. I can’t afford to believe for a second that it is. It would be too easy. We’re both on cloud nine since really seeing our child for the first time and if I don’t at least try to stay grounded, I’ll slip into a dream world where Thomas loves me and everything is perfect—because for the most part, everything feels perfect.

That would be a mistake. I know Thomas wants me, but he’s never once said the word love. Hell, it might not even be me he wants. I’m just the girl that’s handy. He doesn’t act like he sees anyone but me when we’re together. Plus, his appetite for me borders on obsessive. Still, the wounds of the past are so fresh it’s hard for me to let them go. I don’t trust Thomas and I’m not sure when or if I ever will. I don’t tell him that, however. It would hurt him and that’s not something I want to do. Thomas has had enough hurt in his life.

“Sorry, Jazz. I was lost in thought,” I murmur, taking a drink of my sweet tea and trying to get control of my wayward thoughts.

“Thinking about Thomas?” she says, a silly grin on her face. I can feel heat fill me and I know I’m blushing.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I murmur, paying way too much attention to the paper in front of me—refusing to look at her.

We’re supposedly making a baby shower list. I don’t want to. In fact, I voted for no baby shower. Jazz steadfastly ignored my pleas. I’m worried because I know any day now Thomas’s parents are going to show up and I’m not ready. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready. I never thought of myself as someone who was weak, but when it comes to facing Thomas’s family and knowing that when they all look at me they will see my resemblance to Gabby—all while knowing she is truly the woman that Thomas is in love with—makes me want to crawl into a hole and never come out.

“Oh, come on. Everyone can tell that you and Thomas are growing closer.”

“I don’t see how,” I respond, feeling panic gathering.

“Are you being serious right now? C’mon Lyla! You have to be a fool not to see the way Thomas has changed the last couple of weeks. That boy is so happy he’s freaking glowing with it.”