As the week flies by, I begin to get restless. I go and see Pops, catch up with Nichols and Harper, and spend time with Presley, of course. The need to be back on the ice or working out is quickly becoming overwhelming. No symptoms have presented itself since my last evaluation, so I should be back soon. My next one is tomorrow and they just called to tell me what time they want me there.

Presley hasn’t come home yet, but she isn’t going to be happy when she does. I go ahead and pack my things, setting them by the door once I’m finished. About an hour later, I’ve just grabbed a drink from the fridge when Smarty walks in.

“Packed already, Levi?” she laughs, coming into the kitchen as well. She gives me a quick kiss before putting her things on the table.

“Yeah, they called. I have to be there at eight in the morning, which means I should leave soon.” Her lips do that ridiculous pout and I feel bad about leaving. “C’mere,” I tell her, holding out my hand. She stands as I put my drink down on the counter so I can pull her against me. “I’m planning on everything going well, which means I probably won’t be back for a bit. That is a good thing because I’ll be working to get back on the ice and you’ll be here, hanging out with your brother and best friend before you move for school. You’re going to be busy with that, schoolwork, and going to Pittsburgh with Marley and your mother. Everything is going as it should. So quit pouting.”

Smarty rolls her eyes and jokes, “I feel like I was just lectured.” I chuckle and she adds, “I thought I was getting one more night with you, though, but now, I’m not. When do you have to leave


The sooner the better considering the drive, but instead, I say, “After dinner most likely.” That gives us about four more hours until I need to go. Presley nods, happy with my answer. “Did you have a good day?”

“Yes, I did. You?”

“Yeah, I guess.” I shrug.

Softly, Presley says, “You’re ready to get back, aren’t you?”

There’s something about the way she says it as if I’m running from her, to get away from her, and not towards my dreams. I ignore that feeling because I know that’s not how she feels. “Yes, of course, I am. If I ever hope to get into the NHL, I need to play. Hell, Smarty, I need hockey in general. I haven’t even been working out. How am I supposed to keep this God-like body you love so much otherwise?” I smirk and Presley laughs, rolling her eyes at me.

“If it wasn’t true, I would tell you that you’re so full of yourself. If you get cleared-”

“When,” I interrupt, refusing to believe anything different.

“Right. When you get cleared, how are you going to celebrate?”

“By skating. I miss the ice. But enough about that. What do you want to do until I leave?” I grin.

Presley rests her forehead against my chest, squeezing her arms tighter around my waist. “I hate that I’m saying this, but it’s a long drive, Levi. If you wait until after we eat, you won’t get there until late.” She lifts her head to look at me. “Give me a kiss I’ll never forget and head back. Call me when you get there and after your evaluation.”

“Are you sure? I don’t care if I get there late, Smarty.”

“I’m sure. You don’t need to show up tired. Kiss me, then go.”

Holding her hips against me, I lean down, brushing my lips against hers. She parts her mouth, and I kiss her with everything I am. With all my passion, all my need for her, but mostly, I kiss her with all my love. Presley relaxes into me as I pull away, letting her lip pop back in place from between my teeth.

“Was that kiss up to your standards?” I smirk.

“One more,” she mumbles.

I laugh before kissing her again. She offers to walk me out, but I tell her there’s no need. It’s easier to leave her in her apartment than to have to drive away with her in my rearview mirror.

“Call me when you get there and drive safely,” she repeats one more time as I pick up my bags.

“I will.” Turning to face her, I step closer, kiss her forehead and let my lips brush over her skin as I add, “Don’t miss me too much.”

Presley smiles up at me. “I won’t.” She pauses and continues, “I know we haven’t talked much about it in a while, but you’ll get your second chance and you’re going to be great, Levi. We all believe in you.”

Her words soothe nerves I didn’t know I had. “Thank you, Presley. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

She gives me a quick kiss and then I’m on my way back to Pennsylvania. Hopefully, for good this time.

Chapter Fifteen
