“Freight charges haven’t gone up, Alan. The price of gas has actually fallen sixty percent from a year ago. Cargo ships still run on fuel, do they not? It took some digging, but we found the account with the fuel money in it.”

“No, you’re wrong. It was that way because the shipments come in on two boats. I told you that.”

“But they weren’t coming in on two ships, only one, but you were double-billing for the fuel. I know this because right before Pascal cut his tongue out, your colleague

down at the docks confessed. And then you try to kill me so you can take over the business completely.”

“No, Evan, no, I—”

“Put the clothes and shoes on, Alan. Now. Or you’ll get the next bullet to the brain right here. I will allow you to make the choice.”

Sobbing, Alan Rice slowly slipped them on, but Pascal had to help him because the man was shaking so badly.

Kuchin turned to the others. “You will have an hour’s head start. I would advise you not to run toward the ocean and dive in as the water is around ten degrees Celsius even in the summer.” He pointed out the window to his left. “That is the way to go. But keep in mind that this was once a glacier. There are many fjords, ruts deep enough to be lost forever in, water that moves very fast, and slopes that quickly turn into precipices. Also, there are animals out there that will hurt you at night.”

“Including you?” said Reggie.

“Including me most of all.”

“So is this some sort of hunt?” asked Shaw.

“Not some sort,” answered Kuchin. “It is a hunt.”

“So us unarmed against you and all your men? Some hunt.”

“No, all of you against only me.”

“But you’ll have weapons.”

“Of course I will.”

“And what, if we get away, that’s it?”

“You will not get away. I own the land for miles. And the land that I don’t own, no one else does either. There is nothing out there. Nothing. Except you and me.”

“And Katie?” asked Shaw.

“So long as you follow my instructions, she will be released unharmed.”

“I want to go with Shaw,” said Katie.

Kuchin ignored her and instead looked at his watch. “You now have fifty-nine minutes.” He nodded to his men, who freed the three from their bindings.

Shaw looked at Katie for what would be the last time, he assumed. He tried to say something, but what was there to say? She seemed to be having the same problem. They finally simply exchanged a brief if earnest smile.

Reggie finally pulled Whit away from staring at Dominic’s body and they followed Shaw out the door, where they set off at a fast trot.

Alan Rice had not moved.

“Alan?” said Kuchin.

“Please, Evan, please don’t do this,” the younger man moaned.

“You said it yourself. I pay them thousands and yet they want millions. You wanted more, it’s that simple. And do not beg. Men do not beg.” He fired a round into the floor next to Rice, who leapt to his feet and raced out the door. Katie James was taken away and locked in another room.

It was then that Kuchin turned to Pascal. “Get the dogs ready.”