“I guess so, but I’m no expert.” He smiled. “Why? You planning your own exhibition?”

She gave him a whimsical look. “You never know.” She slipped her arm through his. “How about that lunch?”

On the way out they passed an old fortress that was carved out of the mountain. Reggie pointed up to it. “The King’s Fortress. Built right out of the stone and placed perfectly for maximum defensive measures.”

“Okay, were you ever in the military?” said Shaw.

“I just read a lot. And that French immersion class included a historical overview of Provence. The fort overlooked the King’s Valley down there. The provincial crowns ruled their fiefdoms from up here.”

“It’s always rulers up top and everybody else down below. Separation is the key. Only thing that prevents anarchy, or democracy, depending if you’re a ruler or the ruled.”

“That was actually very philosophical, Bill.”

“I have my moments.”

They ate outside at a small café in Saint-Rémy. After that they toured the Popes’ Palace in Avignon, getting caught in a sudden shower as they headed back to the car, which was parked in an adjacent underground garage. They ran laughing and soaked across the stone courtyard to the garage, Shaw using his jacket as an umbrella to cover them both.

“I guess that’s why I like big guys,” said Reggie, looking up at the large jacket over her.

By the time they returned to Gordes their hair and clothes had mostly dried. As they pulled up to Shaw’s hotel Reggie’s cell phone buzzed, indicating a text message had just arrived. She slipped it from her pocket and glanced at the screen, then put it away without commenting.

“Let me guess, Evan Waller wants to know where you’ve been all day?” said Shaw.

“Getting a bit jealous, are we?”

“No, I’m not the possessive type. But I don’t think I can say the same for him.”

“But like I said, you don’t even know him.”

“I’ve known lots of guys like him. And haven’t we had this discussion?”

“Yes. But it’s nice to know you care.”

Shaw put a hand on her arm. “Seriously, Janie. Tread lightly with the guy. I’ve just got some weird vibes about him.”

“I’ll be careful. Would you like to get together for dinner later?”

“Not sick of me yet?” he said with a grin.

“Not yet, no,” she said impishly.

“Okay, up in town or somewhere else?”

“How about I cook for you?”

He looked mildly surprised. “At your place? Sure. But only if you let me bring the wine.”

“Deal. Say about eight?”

Shaw walked up to his room, unlocked his door, and froze.

The man sitting in the chair beside his desk stared back at him.



AFTER DROPPING Shaw off Reggie didn’t return to her villa. She continued on out of Gordes again, passed her villa, turned onto the main road, and drove off. Twenty minutes later, after making certain she wasn’t being followed, she reached her destination.