“We have to meet,” said Whit.

“Meet? When?”

“Right now.”

“It’s one o’clock in the morning.”

“Now, Reg.”

“What’s wrong?”

“A new wrinkle you need to know about.”

“Jesus, Whit—”

“Usual place.” He clicked off.

She threw on some clothes and turned out all the lights as though she was going to bed. She went to the lower level of the villa, opened the rear door, made sure it was clear, and then hurried down the darkened path.

A few minutes later, taking great pains to make sure no one was following her, Reggie arrived at the rendezvous point. A hand on her shoulder almost made her scream.

Whit appeared from out of the darkness, his expression stony.

“What the hell is going on?” Reggie asked, clutching her chest. “Every time I have to sneak out it gives them an opportunity to become suspicious.”

“It couldn’t be avoided,” said Whit as he sat down on the stone bench.

“Okay, it’s obviously important, so tell me.”

“We got new orders from the professor.”


“Let me rephrase that. I got new orders from the professor and already carried them out.”

Reggie stared down at him in amazement. “What are you talking about?”

“He ordered us to take your boy out of the equation.”

“My boy?”

“Bill Young.”

“What! You didn’t—”

“He’s okay. We just did a snatch. He’s resting comfortably.”

“Are you crazy? He’s—”

“It wasn’t my call, okay? And the prof didn’t want you to know. But I didn’t like that. So I’m here telling you.”

“Why would Mallory want you to kidnap Bill? He was leaving France.”

Whit looked put out. “I didn’t know that.”

“I didn’t have a chance to tell you.”

“Probably wouldn’t have mattered. The prof wanted him out of the way, and it was probably a good call considering what I just learned.”