“Why Dublin?’

“I’ve got people to see.”

“Like who? Leona Bartaroma at Malahide Castle? I know you went to see her.”

“FYI, I’ve got Katie James with me.”

“Lucky, lucky you.”

“So can you get me to Dublin?”

“Look, I had a hard enough time convincing the folks upstairs that your freelancing with MI5 was a good use of your time. If they find out you’ve split, all bets are off.”

“Just get me to Dublin.”

“I can, but you’ve got to swear you won’t see Leona about that.”

“I do.”

The next day Shaw and Katie were driven from London to Wales in an old bus. After that they ducked into the damp hold of a ratty tugboat that was now crossing the Irish pond in pitching seas. Katie spent an hour throwing up into a bucket as they bounced to Ireland. Shaw kept handing her soaked towels to wipe her face.

Katie finally sat up, nothing left to heave out of her gut.

“Your sea legs are impressive,” she said. “I’m more of a landlubber.”

“The high-speed ferry wasn’t an option since everyone in the world is looking for you.”

“Everybody wants to be famous until they are and finds out it sucks.”

“We’ll be there shortly.”

“Good to know,” Katie said, one hand over her still-writhing stomach. “So we get there, and then what?”

“And then we meet someone who can help us go deep underground. Disguises, new IDs.”

“And then what?”

“And then we figure out the next step.”

Later, Shaw walked over and looked out a porthole. The tug had slowed, the rocking had ceased. They were past the breakwater and into the harbor.

“Let’s go.”

Katie rose gingerly, testing her legs. She slid her bag over her shoulder. “Shaw, we’re going to die, aren’t we?”

“Probably. Why?”

“Just wanted confirmation.”


THEY TOOK A CAB FROM THE HARBOR, driving through small villages on their way west to Dublin proper. A chilly rain was falling and even the pubs they passed were mostly empty. As Katie gazed into the window of one bar and saw a cheery fire and a man pulling down a pint, she didn’t have the least desire to join him. Her alcoholism was apparently cured. All it had taken was the end of the world.

Before they’d left England Katie had phoned Kevin Gallagher and explained that her source had probably lied to her.

“Do you have absolute proof that he did?” Gallagher demanded.

“No, not absolute.”