He looked at it. Part of her bone was sticking out through the skin.

“Shit!” he exclaimed. “We need to get you to a hospital.” He took off his jacket and fashioned a crude sling to keep the shattered bone as immobile as possible.

“Can you walk?”

She nodded. “If you can help me.”

He put a big hand under her armpit and his other arm around her waist, and they slowly made their way up.

“What happened? You were holding on to me and then you were gone.”

“Lost my grip and then I got snagged on the door handle.”

“How did you get out of the car, then?”

“Pure luck. On the way down, the car hit something, probably another chunk of rock. The door popped open and I fell out.” She looked back at the blackened mass of burned-out metal.

“A little close,” she said.

“A little.”

“Shaw, I think I’m going to be sick.”

“It’s okay, I’ve got you.”

He held her while she emptied her stomach.

“Sorry,” she said with an embarrassed look after she’d finished.

“Compound fractures always make me puke too,” he said, attempting a smile.

As they neared the top they heard cars screeching to a stop on the road above and then running feet started coming their way.

“Get down, Katie.”

“Shaw, Shaw, you down there?”

It was Frank.

“We both are,” he called back. “And we need some help. Katie’s arm is broken.”

Five minutes later they were being driven off in an SUV. Frank and Royce rode with them.

“Pender’s dead, but you already knew that because you went to his house tonight,” Frank said accusingly.

“Can you wait at least until tomorrow until you jump all over my ass, Frank?” Shaw said.

“Why? It won’t be any better

tomorrow. Only worse.”

Royce said, “Do you know who kidnapped you?”

“Never saw them. Whoever it was hit us fast and hard.” He looked over at Katie. “She needs to get to a hospital.”

“That’s where we’re headed,” Frank said. “I already made the call.”

“How did you know where Shaw and Katie were?” Royce asked.