“Well, maybe people should,” Katie had shot back.

Yet when the president of the United States himself pleaded his case and appealed to her sense of patriotism, Katie had finally relented. But she had issued a caveat.

“Next time, why don’t you people think about these things before rushing to judgment? How’s that for a strategy?”

Eventually the world shrugged off this near-cataclysmic event and moved on, as it always seemed to do. It might not have been as safe as it was during the cold war, yet at least it wasn’t a mere perception of security built on lies.

Shaw, Katie, and Frank traveled to London where there was a memorial service for the victims of the London Massacre. Anna’s parents were in attendance, but Shaw kept his distance from them. Being attacked by Wolfgang Fischer in a London cathedral was not how he wanted to memorialize the woman he loved.

He did travel once more to Wisbach, to visit Anna’s grave. On the second day he was there, and unknown to him, Katie and Frank arrived in the small town and knocked on the door of the Fischers’ home.

Wolfgang, looking very old and tired, answered.

Katie said, “I’m Katie James. This is Frank Wells.”

Wolfgang looked at them suspiciously. “What is it you want he


Frank said nervously, “I need to set the record straight, so to speak, about Shaw.”

“I do not need the record set straight with that man,” Wolfgang said, his face flushing.

“Yeah, I think you do,” Katie said firmly.

“Why is that?”

“Because he deserves it. He deserves the truth. And you need to do it for Anna.”

“For Anna? What do you mean!”

“Your daughter was brilliant and beautiful and accomplished and also head over heels in love with that man. And you need to understand why.”

“Let them come in, Wolfgang.”

They all looked at Natascha, who was standing behind her husband. “Let them come in and we listen. She is right. We must do this for Anna.”

Frank and Katie swept past Wolfgang and for the next couple of hours the four of them discussed what had really happened.

“My God,” Wolfgang exclaimed when it was over. “I would like to see Shaw. Tell him, tell him…” He looked helplessly at his wife.

“Tell him how we feel, that it is different now, how we feel,” Natascha finished for him.

“Yes,” said Wolfgang. “Different.”

Katie said, “Get your coats.”


SHAW SAT ON THE GROUND next to Anna’s grave. The leaves were just starting to turn and the wind had a bite. It felt good to be here, as though she were still alive. Her presence seemed very real. He believed he could stay here forever.

He heard them approaching long before he could see anyone. He rose and stared as the group came into view, Wolfgang leading the way. Shaw started to furtively back away from Anna’s grave until he focused on Katie and Frank. Then he stopped, unsure of exactly what was going on, or what he should do.

Wolfgang walked directly up to him. “These people” – he motioned to Katie and Frank – “they have told us things about what happened.”

“They have told us the truth, Shaw,” Natascha said, taking his hand in hers. “And we are so sorry for how we treated you.”

“Yes, so very sorry,” Wolfgang added with a guilty glance at him.