
“What could that possibly be?” Royce demanded.

“I need to go see a lady,” Shaw answered, staring at Frank before walking out of the room.

Royce glanced at Frank. “Not exactly what I was hoping for, Wells,” he barked.

Frank was solemn-looking, staring after Shaw. “Surprised me too, but for a different reason.”

“Why? What the hell were you expecting?”

“For him to try and kill me.”

“Good God. And the man works for you! You’re both bloody insane.”

“The man doesn’t really work for anybody, Royce.”

“But I thought you said…”

“Yeah, well, Shaw’s a special case.”

“Do you have anyone else that can do what he can?”

“Not even close.”


ANNA NEARLY SCREAMED as she awoke to see the man hovering over her while she lay in bed in her London flat. She sat up, clutched the sheet around her.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded.

Shaw sat on the edge of the bed. “I think you know,” he said quietly.

“How did you get in?”

He held up a key. “You gave it to me, remember?”

“I remember,” she said groggily.

“I went to see your parents, but I’m sure you know that.”

“And do you know about the man who visited them later? And the man who came to see me?”

“What did he tell you?”

“Would you like to guess? It’s actually not too difficult. What I need to know is, was it the truth?”

“Anna, I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen.”

“You should know that lies always hurt people.”

“I know you’re upset. That you probably hate me right now. And you have every right to. But I came here to tell you the truth.”

“And I’m simply supposed to believe that it is the truth this time?”

Shaw glanced around the bedroom. Many happy hours had been spent in here. He knew every inch of Anna’s flat better than any place he’d ever called home. “All I can do is try.”

“Let me get dressed. You can wait in the other room.”