Frank did not look pleased by this at all. “What about them?”

“Oh come on!” Katie exploded. “I doubt you missed the massacre in London.”

“What’s the connection to Shaw?”

“Anna Fischer. And I can see by your expression that you know all about that, so don’t try and bullshit. It doesn’t sit well.”

“How do you know Ms. Fischer?”

“Is she dead?”

“How do you know her, Ms. James?”

Katie debated whether to tell the whole truth or not. She decided on a complete fabrication that would sound plausible. “I was doing a story on The Phoenix Group. I met Anna that way. And through her I met Shaw. We became friends.”

“You said you met Shaw in Edinburgh. How did you know he’d be there?”

“Anna told me.”

“No she didn’t. I can read bullshit as well as you can. Now, you have two options. Either tell me the whole truth, or you can go cool your heels in a French jail as a remand prisoner. And French courts are notoriously slow. You might be in there for a few years before somebody remembers to bring you to trial. And the French aren’t known for the cleanliness of their incarceration system.”

“I know. I did a story on the French garbage cans they call prisons five years ago and won a major journalism award for the effort. By the way, what offense am I being charged with? Because even the French require that before throwing somebody’s butt in jail.”

“How about being stupid and uncooperative?”

“How about taking me to the American embassy? I have the address memorized.”

“We seem to have reached an impasse.” He tapped his fingers on the table. “Will you tell me the truth if I let you see Shaw?”

Now Katie sat back, not looking as defiant or as confident. This time she opted for the truth. “Okay, I was in Edinburgh on holiday. I saw Shaw and another man at the chapel at the castle. Something made me suspicious.” She went on to explain what had happened near Gilmerton’s Cove, Shaw saving her life, and her following up the clue Shaw had left at his hotel. And then her meeting Anna that way.

“I’m surprised he didn’t tell me any of this.”

“He barely survived that night. And he didn’t know about my tracking Anna down until very recently. And he wasn’t happy about it. In fact he got quite angry.”

“I’m sure he did.”

“Now you know all.” Katie hesitated hoping against hope. “Was Anna killed?’

“Yes. Along with everyone else in the place.”

Katie looked down at her hands. “Why? They were just a think tank. Anna said no one even paid attention to their work.”

“Apparently someone did.”

“Does Shaw know, about Anna?” She glanced up at him.

“No,” Frank said quietly, not meeting her eye.

“Is he going to be okay?’

“He lost a lot of blood, but the docs say he came through the surgery fine and that he’s out of danger. He’s a tough guy.”

Katie let out a long breath. “Thank God.”

“But when he finds out about Anna…?”

“Someone has to tell him.”