Feng licked his lips and fiddled with a ring on his finger. “Part of our funding comes from the government.” He started speaking rapid-fire. “My partners and I have done much work with the Communist Party with respect to economic development both in China and in other countries. We started The Phoenix Group with the sole purpose of trying to better understand global issues that will help China adapt more readily to an expanded role in world affairs. There is no question that our economy will at some point become the world’s largest. With that comes a responsibility, a responsibility that we take very seriously. And thus we sought to educate ourselves as to critical issues around the world. Creating a think tank and staffing it with some of the best minds seemed a reasonable pursuit.”

Shaw snapped, “And yet you deliberately hid your ties to the Chinese government behind this Arizona millionaire façade?”

“We are misunderstood in many parts of the world.” He shot a glance at the MI5 agent. “Including in your country, Mr. Royce. We did not want any lingering doubts or misconceptions to taint the important work The Phoenix Group was undertaking.”

“Did any of the people who worked here have any idea of these ties?” Royce asked.

Shaw already knew the answer to that question. Anna would’ve told him.

“No,” Feng said. “We did not think it important or relevant to their work. What did it matter who they were working for if the goals were good ones?”

“Are you a member of the Communist Party?” Royce asked.

“I fail to see-”

“Please answer the question.”

“You have to understand-”

“Are you!” Royce bellowed.

“Yes. I am, like many of my fellow citizens,” Feng said defensively.

The MI5 agent threw up his hands. “This is a complete and total cock-up.”

A pale Feng said, “No, gentlemen, this is ludicrous. The Phoenix Group was not involved in any of this Red Menace business. It is absurd to even suggest it.”

“Since you said you’ve never even been here before, you’re hardly in a position to know that, are you?” Royce shot back.

“But why would they do such a thing?” Feng said in a near wail.

“How many other partners do you have?”


“I think somebody should ask them,” Royce said. He looked at Shaw. “For now, this stays among us. If any of this comes out, I can hardly imagine greater consequences for your country, Mr. Feng.”

“You cannot believe that Russia would attack us.”

“Gorshkov has staked his reputation on the fact that he will do just that. Go ask Afghanistan if you don’t believe me.”

“Who else knows?” Shaw asked Royce.

“A very few of the crime scene team. We hardly expected anything like this when the investigation started. Once they knew what they were facing, they cut off access to everyone else and called me in.”

“I’m surprised you allowed me in here,” Shaw said bluntly.

“Wells told me that you are the absolute best he has. So I thought I could rely upon your discretion and I desperately need your help.”

“You’re welcome to both.”

Royce turned back to Feng. “I’d like your passport.”

Feng’s features darkened. “You cannot possibly mean that.”

“Give it to me.” Royce held out his hand.

“I have committed no crime.”