Calder nodded.

“Everything is good. I was talking to J.J. and told her about the gym. She likes to work out, so I thought we could show her the equipment and what we have.”

“Sounds good, but you can’t come out here alone. One of us has to be with you,” Lincoln stated very seriously.

“All of you are right inside. Don’t you have this place all wired up with cameras and other things anyway?” she asked with an attitude.

“Those are the rules. You don’t like it? Tough,” Calder stated, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

She stared up at him. Now, being this close to her, he absorbed the scent of her perfume, the deep jade color of her eyes, and the thick eyelashes that blinked as she rolled her eyes at him. He had to hide his chuckle. It seemed J.J. wasn’t used to being ordered around.

“He’s right. So, what do you like to do? We have ellipticals, treadmills, free weights, mats for yoga, and we can get videos if you like aerobics or something like that?” Lincoln asked.

She walked deeper into the room and ran her hand along the boxing bags, the sets of gloves, and other martial arts equipment. Then she looked at the dojo, where the large padded floor sat, with other training devices for martial arts.

“I can use what you have here.”

“Do you have any training in martial arts?” Lincoln asked. She looked up toward him.

“Some,” she said and then walked around the room. She looked at the pictures on the wall. Some were of the team with the training academy. Some were from when they were in the service.

“All four of you were in the military?” she asked.

“Yes,” Calder said as he walked deeper into the room.

She leaned forward and squinted her eyes at one picture in the top right corner. They were in uniform with the entire team, but she wouldn’t know what the symbol stood for. It was an elite group of soldiers. Special Forces and then some.

“Special Forces, huh? Impressive.”

Calder looked at Lincoln.

“What do you know about it?” Lincoln asked on the defensive. He was always on guard when it came to their pasts and their service history.

She locked gazes with him. “Enough,” she said, and Calder wondered if she knew someone in that troop. Half of them were dead. Killed in action or lost somewhere.

“Well, I didn’t mean to interrupt your workout, Lincoln. If you don’t mind, I’ll just mess around a little, and check the place out.”

“Fine with me. Calder, you want to spar?” Lincoln asked.

“Sure,” Calder stated as he pulled his hooded sweatshirt up and over his head. He caught J.J. staring, and shockingly, he liked it.

* * * *

J.J. couldn’t believe how attracted she was to these men. She realized pretty quickly that there was something about each of them that pulled at her feminine strings. Calder’s tough attitude, the tattoos on his arms, the intensity in his dark gray eyes, and the way he seemed to notice every little thing on her. Then, of course, Lincoln. Blond hair, crew cut, green eyes, six feet three, the man was very attractive. Add in the fact that he could cook and also trained martial arts, and she was instantly attracted. Brook was the most unique one of the four. He was quiet, brooding, and seemed empathetic and caring. If that was even right to describe a retired Special Forces guy as caring and quiet. His deep brown eyes were soothing. Whenever she caught him watching her, it was like he could see into her soul. But it wasn’t unnerving, it seemed like he got it. He understood her need to be on the defensive. But then there was Conway. The man didn’t say much. He appeared to be in charge all of the time, or perhaps his team just let him be. He took his position as chief of police very seriously. The sight of him in uniform reminded her so much of Anthony, but the fact that they were all trained, and trained others in martial arts and were Special Forces, really was the kicker.

That was Anthony. Her trainer, her instructor in the special investigative unit, and he was a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He spent years in the military prior to entering the police department, and she knew he was part of a Special Forces team. She couldn’t help but wonder if the men had known Anthony.

She shook her head. That would be so crazy.

She needed to clear her mind. If she could just get past the images that flooded her brain and were triggered by the stupidest things, then maybe she could let her guard down a tad. But then again, what if these men weren’t as good as Frank thought, or what if they could be paid off? Then they would know more about her and ways to destroy her or ultimately kill her. She couldn’t do that.

Instantly she felt her body tense.

“Hey. Are you okay?” Lincoln placed his hand on her shoulder and she twisted to the right and slammed his hand down. She was in a ready stance, prepared to fight.

“Whoa. It’s okay, J.J.,” he said.

“You zoned out, again,” Calder added and he looked concerned.