“Give me the number and I’ll get the info to you ASAP.”

“Great. Hopefully this will lead to finding her. I’d like to personally take care of this for you, Congressman. I don’t want our business to be over, and it would bring me great pleasure to torture that bitch.”

“She’s all yours. Just be sure to get rid of her. She’s nothing but a worthless cop, and I’m a fucking congressman. Does she really think she can take me down? Not happening.”

He disconnected the call and quickly looked up the number of someone he believed he could trust. Delaney something. He picked up the phone again and dialed her number.

Midconversation, as he heard her typing away on the government computer, she paused.

“Sir, were you ever able to find out anything with my sister’s case? You said that you’d check into it?”

Dooley cringed. He hated when people asked him for favors. He couldn’t even remember Delaney’s last name, never mind any conversation about her sister. What the fuck was she talking about?

“I’m sorry, but there was nothing I could do.”

“How can that be? I thought you were personal friends with the CEO of that company.”

“Listen, Delaney, I’m on a tight schedule today. Do me a favor, get me the info I need right now, and then send the info about your sister to my secretary. I?

?ll look over the problem again and see what I can do, okay?” he stated with an attitude and he got no response. Instead he heard the tapping of keys and then Delaney’s monotone voice.

“That number is a secure line coming from the Nevada State Police to a private secure line in Houston, Texas. Give me a moment and I will have a name and address.”

Dooley smiled. Whoever was helping her was about to go down, big time.

* * * *

It had been two days since the incident in the gym with Calder, Lincoln, and J.J. Lincoln remained toward the back of the room as J.J. ran on the elliptical and then started hitting the punching bag. He saw her pause a moment and lay her forehead against the bag. He was filled with concern for her. Why couldn’t she just trust them?

She seemed like she was getting a bit more comfortable with them. That was a plus. She’d actually eaten dinner with them last night and breakfast this morning. Her appetite was getting better. Maybe the working out was helping.

Lincoln was stretching out on the mats after his workout, when he sensed J.J. approaching.

She sat down on the mat across from him and began stretching.

“What’s up with all the tattoos? You like pain or something?” she asked, in that abrupt tone they were getting used to but to him didn’t seem like J.J.’s style. She was just on edge and trying to act tough. If she would just give a little, and let them know she was willing to accept their sincerity, then maybe they could get to know her better.

“I like them. They all have meaning,” he said.

She looked at his forearms as she stretched her hand down to her toes on one side. The move gave him a great view of her breasts in the tank top she wore.

“I get the American flag and the wicked Special Forces symbol, but what’s with the names and the dark images? You and Calder both have them.”

He looked down at his left arm first.

“These are some of my buddies who died in combat.” He looked at his other arm.

“Same here. I guess it’s my way of honoring them and never forgetting their sacrifices.”

“That’s cool. What were some of the names?” she asked and tried to look. He wondered why she was asking. He had this funny feeling in his gut. It was like she thought she might know them. Had she known one of his team members? But how? What was the likelihood?

“You won’t know any of them.”

She started to say something and then stopped. She stretched out her other leg while tucking the first leg she’d stretched up and against her belly.

“Did they all die in combat or did any of them make it back to civilian life?” she asked.

“These guys died in battle alongside us.”