Her lips parted. She could feel him, them, and this overwhelming sensation to let go. “Oh, God,” she whispered, releasing a breath. Conway continued to stroke her cheek as Calder caressed her thighs, spreading them wider.

“We feel it, too,” Conway whispered.

“Fucking crazy,” Calder added.

“Bring her into the bedroom. Your bedroom, Conway,” Lincoln stated. Or rather commanded from behind them. She looked toward him and Brook. Both men removed their shirts, and damn, were they beautiful. But they seemed to react to Lincoln’s words. They all exchanged glances.

“Bring her,” Brook said.

“Agreed,” Calder whispered, still holding her gaze.

“Agreed,” Conway whispered. She licked her lower lip and pulled it between her teeth. Why did it sound like some sort of plan was in motion? The way they said “agreed” triggered something instinctual in her.

“Baby, you’re killing me here,” Calder told her, and then thrust softly against her mound. She felt his hard cock and knew he wanted to have sex with her, so did the others. Was there some sort of significance with bringing her to Conway’s room?

Is that where they brought the women they shared?

Would she be just another woman they seduced with their charms, their bodies, and large attitudes?

Did she even care?

She thought about that a moment.

Nope. Not a care at all right now. I want them. I want to feel connected. I want to feel beautiful and real. I want to feel alive, even if the near future brings my death.

Calder lifted her up off the counter, as if she were light as a feather, and carried her out of the room. The others followed.

“Uhm, where are we going? Why Conway’s room? What does it mean?” she asked, feeling panicky. No one answered, and then they were down another hallway. It was an area of the house she hadn’t been to. Conway opened the door, and J.J. looked at Calder.

“It’s where you belong, the first time and every time.” He kissed her as he lowered her feet to the rug. That kiss took over every ounce of her being. She barely felt the hands under her shirt, lifting it up to get it over her head. Calder released her lips momentarily as someone pulled off the top. She heard compliments about her breasts, her bra, and body. She stared up at Calder.

“You’re beautiful.” He kissed her again. Their lips met and parted and then met and parted again, as if they were longtime lovers and couldn’t seem to get enough of their lips.

Large, nimble fingers undid the clasp to her bra. She grabbed at it before it fell, and then her shorts were pressed down.

She felt that battle within her to give in or to fight, opening up herself to the vulnerability she knew would come from their encounter.

“Baby, relax and just feel. We promise to take good care of you,” Conway told her. She locked gazes with him.

“I…I don’t know if I can let go,” she whispered and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Calder pulled her against him and hugged her tight. The feel of his big strong arms holding her, and the fact that he stopped everything to console her, take care of her, was an indicator of his affection. At least she hoped that her gut was right. She squeezed him tight. The feel of hard, male flesh and its stereotypical benefits filled her feminine soul. To feel so instantly protected and cared for was one thing, but to not feel alone made her gasp. She felt the tension in her throat, the way her breathing grew rapid, and she started to panic.

Calder pulled back and caressed the hair from her cheeks. Her eyes darted around the room. It was a fight or flight sensation as she tried to move away from him.

“Look at me. Look at me, J.J.,” he demanded. She fought his control. She closed her eyes and she saw Dexter.

“Oh, God,” she stated aloud.

“It’s Calder, no one else. Open your eyes and see that it’s me, baby. Come on now. Look at me, not through me. You can do it, J.J. I know that you can.”

His voice was soothing, but his tone firm. She stared into his dark eyes, almost black in color. They were piercing and strong, just like Calder.

She heard her own shaky rapid breath, and then felt the hands on her shoulders.

“Easy. Just breathe, baby. Remember where you are and hold on to that thought. Look at Calder. Look into his eyes and focus on him. Relax your breathing, baby. I’m right here, too. I’m behind you,” Conway said as he gently caressed her shoulders as he pressed his front to her back. She was sandwiched between them and their masculine warmth. She felt cocooned. Then she felt Brook on one side, and Lincoln on the other side. They were all so close to her. The heat of their bodies, the tone of their voices, and the way they came to her aid at once overwhelmed her.

“I’m getting there. I’m so sorry. I don’t know why this keeps happening,” she said and felt her body begin to shake. Calder wrapped his arms around her and someone grabbed a blanket and covered her body.