“Don’t get all sassy with me. Come down here and kiss me,” Conway commanded.

She bent down and kissed him and he pulled her into his arms. When he was through kissing her thoroughly he smiled up at her.

“Enjoy making love in the workshop?”

Her cheeks blushed as she turned away and gave him a light smack to his shoulder.

He tapped her ass as she stood up only for Lincoln to wrap an arm around her waist and pull her against him. He kissed her next and then held her in front of him as Calder smiled.

“I’ll get mine later. Right now, we have some updates for you,” Calder told her.

“Updates?” she asked, stepping from Lincoln’s hold.

“Yeah. Friends of ours have been very helpful in gathering some evidence that’s been buried by the congressman. Calder just got a video of one of the sex slave operations the congressman was involved in.”

“I think we should look it over first before she sees it, Conway. I don’t know what’s on it,” Calder lied. He’d already seen the video and the murder of three officers trying to save their team’s lives and the lives of the victims.

“Hey, I don’t need to be censored here. I’ve seen my share of heavy shit, Calder. I can handle it.”

He raised one eyebrow at her and she raised hers back.

“One spanking coming up,” he whispered. Her cheeks flushed and she stepped back, only for Lincoln to wrap her into his arms again.

“I’m in on that. She could use a nice spanking and then a good, long, hard fucking,” Lincoln whispered against her neck as he thrust his hips against her ass.

The others chuckled.

Calder locked gazes with her. “Later,” he promised and she swallowed hard.

* * * *

J.J. couldn’t believe it, but she was aroused and hungry all over again. Calder had such a way about him, with his authoritative, take-no-shit attitude. She loved it. And then there was Lincoln. Naughty, dirty talking, tattoo-covered Lincoln. Holy shit, did he wet my pussy.

She felt like a walking sex goddess. Like she could grab any one of them when she wanted, rip off their clothes, and have her way with them. She wanted to now. Right now in this cramped little space of a surveillance room with four large men and her.

It was so damn hard to concentrate on Conway’s words as he explained what they had been up to. It wasn’t until Calder mentioned the video that their friend Big Jay had scrounged up for them that she refocused. Something about the description of a crime scene, a drug bust, Congressman Dooley covering it up, and the murder of three cops. A cop killer, too? The congressman had no limitations.

It got her blood boiling and her heart racing. Then she saw the scene unfold on the computer screen. It was when she saw the sign, outside of the building in Nevada, that she nearly gasped aloud.

It can’t be. Oh, God, please don’t let it be. Oh, God, please.

She felt herself grip the chair she was sitting in. She glanced at the others. They were all watching the screen, all on edge as they knew the end result was three dead cops, some innocent female victims of the sex slave business, and countless others injured. She saw Dooley, and the sight of him made her shake. Someone placed their hand on her shoulder.

She turned quickly to the right. It was Conway. They locked gazes and his expression was firm, yet comforting.

She heard Dooley’s words. “Kill them. Get rid of who you can, and burn the rest of it. Now,” he ordered.

“But there are cops, too,” the guy, she didn’t recognize stated.

“Kill them. Who gives a fuck.”

She covered her mouth with her hand.

She held her breath as the video continued. “This is kind of intense right here. You can see the guys come out and take out the three cops. They never knew what hit them,” Calder stated, as he looked at J.J.

“Maybe you shouldn’t watch this,” he suggested to her.

“I’m fine,” she whispered but she wasn’t fine. This was Anthony’s murder. This was how her fiancé had died in the line of duty. Dooley was responsible for it. She knew the name on the sign. Rogers Industrial Park. Flashes of Anthony’s face filtered through her mind. She would never forget his face. What he looked like alive and well.