“Fuck, yeah. I’m in,” Dexter said as he rubbed his hands together and watched her approach. She was with Tara, and Caitlin immediately made her way over to their special guest’s private booth. There were only a few other couples around. Prentice sat at a table, and made the connections between the men who ordered a woman or two for the night and the right woman to meet their needs and taste. To anyone else, it would look like a social gathering. The women never left the room with the men. They met up elsewhere, whether in a hotel room upstairs, or in another venue nearby. It all depended upon the request.

“Sir, shall I go introduce myself to our guest?” Tara asked, as she bowed her head and waited for her orders.

Dexter took her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed the top of it and Tara smiled as she looked up, but kept her head bowed.

“You look stunning, Tara. Please make sure that you and Caitlin do your best to please our guest. He’s a platinum member, after all.” He kissed her hand and then released it. Tara bowed at Martin and Martin gave her a wink. She went on her way.

Dexter and Martin both stood up from the table to greet Jade.

“Thank you for joining us this evening, Jade,” Martin said, and then took her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles and breathed in her perfume.

Dexter felt his stomach tighten. He felt hungry, and in his mind he imagined ripping that dress from Jade’s body and exploring her thoroughly. Especially her large breasts. It appeared as if the material was about to part and reveal exactly what he wanted to see. He licked his lips. She seemed to blush. She’s fucking perfect.

He hoped that she denied his brother’s requests. He would get much pleasure out of forcing her to do what he wanted. He loved rough sex.

“Thank you for inviting me. I’m starving,” she added so sweetly, and Dexter snapped his fingers as Martin motioned for her to take a seat in the large, custom booth.

As she slid along to the back, her breasts moved and swayed, nearly popping from the material hanging there. She immediately placed her hand over the spot, denying him the simple pleasure of seeing more of her flesh. She’d pay for that, and every little naughty thing she did that he felt was punishable. He shivered with anticipation.

Martin took position on one side of her and Dexter slid in to take position on her other side. It was time to let his brother lead, and hopefully the night would end with her between them in bed.

* * * *

J.J. took in her surroundings, and of course her gut instincts were in overdrive. This wasn’t right. She was too exposed like this. She denied the feelings, blaming it on the dress she wore, and the fact that she sat between two very large, resourceful men who were more than likely killers. She swallowed hard.

“Champagne or wine?” Martin asked.

“Oh, sir, whatever you would like,” she said and his eyes instantly sparkled. A small smirk hit his lips and she felt that instant concern hit her. Did she say something that would entice him?

“You are so very beautiful, Jade. Your voice, your performance tonight, every night, is amazing. You have pleased us both,” Dexter said, and then he lifted his hand to her face, as he turned in his seat to face her. He rubbed his thumb gently against her ear, and lobe, making the small dangling earring move.

“Thank you, sir. I’ve been trying very hard.”

“And it shows, Jade,” Martin said as the waiter appeared and poured them three glasses of champagne. She watched him carefully, being sure that nothing was placed into the glass. She watched the bottle pop open, and then stared as the waiter poured the glasses. Martin handed her one glass, and they both took their own glasses.

“To new beginnings and adventures,” Martin whispered, holding her gaze.

“To undeniable pleasure,” Dexter added, and she looked at him and then swallowed hard before taking a sip from her glass as they had from theirs.

The waiter returned with a tray of appetizers. Shrimp, toasted bread with sundried tomato and crumbled goat cheese, fried oysters, and some caviar.

Martin took one of the shrimps, dipped it into sauce, and then moved it toward her in offering.

She slowly opened her mouth, and he held the shrimp there, with his other hand cupped next to her chin underneath. She went to eat the shrimp, but he held on to the tail, making her pull harder.

“Come here,” he whispered as she swallowed the shrimp. He was going to kiss her, and she didn’t think that was a great idea. Not with the sounds that were coming from across the room. Tara was making out with some man. She was straddling his waist and he was grabbing at her.

“Focus on me. Taking orders is important.”

“Orders?” she whispered.

Martin grabbed her face and kissed her hard on the mouth. She struggled a moment, but just as quickly as he kissed her, he released her.

Dexter grabbed a hold of her hair from behind her head and forced her to look at him.

“Tara said that you may be interested in making some extra money.”

She shook her head in denial.