J.J. was talking to Grace and Gia Marie at the bar, while the guys stood by their friends keeping a close watch.

“So, a Nevada State Police investigator, huh? You lucky bastards,” Duke teased.

“Hey, maybe they’re not so lucky. J.J. sure can handle herself. It can make a man, or men, feel inferior,” Big Jay stated. They laughed.

“No way. She’s gorgeous, she’s smart, she can kick all your asses, and she knows how to handle a gun. I’d say we’re pretty darn lucky,” Lincoln said and then took a slug of beer.

“She can also sing and dance. At least that’s what Gia told us,” Sandman said.

“She sure can, but no one but us will ever see her dance,” Calder said as J.J. walked over.

“Hey, what’s going on?” she asked as she joined them.

Lincoln smiled as he tucked her next to him as she leaned her head against his chest. Her arm was in a cast and sling, after the bullet had lodged into the bone and cracked. She hadn’t been a happy camper at all.

“Just talking about how you can dance. Lincoln was saying that you were a pole dancer,” Big Jay stated and Lincoln widened his eyes right before the smack to his gut made him lose his breath. They all started laughing.

“Damn, J.J. They’re messing around. I never said any such thing.”

She looked at him and then leaned her head back against his chest. He held her firmly.

“Well, if you’re going to go around telling everyone that I was a Vegas showgirl, you should get it right. I didn’t always use a pole,” she said and the hoots and hollers echoed around the room. Calder grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. The others moved away, leaving them with their woman as they still laughed.

Lincoln, Calder, Conway, and Brook gathered around J.J. Calder held her tight and put his hands over her ass cheeks.

“Hey,” she reprimanded.

“Hey yourself. We own this ass,” Calder announced loudly. More chuckles erupted.

“Now, what’s this about you sometimes using a pole when you danced?” Lincoln asked her. She looked at him and smiled.

“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know.”

Conway tugged her hair, and she looked at him.

“Oh you’re going to tell us, or you’re going to show us as soon as we get home,” he stated.

“Only if you’re good boys, will I show you,” she whispered and winked. The slap came to her ass quickly and she gasped and then another two landed firmly on her rear.


They all kept a hand on her. Two on her ass, one on her shoulder, and another on her waist.

Calder held her gaze firmly.

“Oh, you will be showing us, and only us,” he said.

“Really? I was kind of thinking about retiring from the force, and maybe giving the Vegas thing a real shot. You know, sexy sequin dresses where my breasts pour from the top, makeup, roaring crowds, men pressing money into my cleavage. I hear that the popular girls can make a few grand a night just from what’s stuffed down their cleavage. I figured with my rack, I’ll be set,” she teased as she pulled gently on her shirt so more cleavage would show.

The men got angry but then Lincoln held her chin with his fingers and stared into her eyes.

“Oh, no, you won’t be. You’ll be too busy with us, rolling around on the mats in the dojo, bending over the workbench in Brook’s workshop, laying spread eagle on the kitchen table for me. I’d say that our sin city showgirl is officially retired.”

“Oh really?” she asked as she smiled, with her cheeks a nice shade of red.

“Really. Now let’s head home. You’ve got about four punishments coming your way, and my hand is itching to start the first one right here and now,” Calder stated.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she teased, as they were waving good-bye to their friends while shuffling her out the door.