“No thanks. I’ll probably go to sleep soon. I wasn’t planning on such a long day of travel and I was up half the night getting a few reports ready for Jack.”

“You didn’t know about this trip ahead of time?” She frowned.

He shook his head. “Not a clue. I found out about it the same time you did.”

She paused mid sip and looked at him. “Isn’t that weird? I mean, don’t you usually plan these things? If you didn’t plan it, who did?” She’d had been so busy trying to convince herself she could do this job when they'd been in Jack’s office earlier, she hadn’t even looked at Chad to see if he looked surprised. Now she had to wonder if he was as thrown as she was.

While she waited for his reply, she walked over to the front door and slipped her feet in her flip flops. She walked back to the couch, sat down next to Chad, kicked her flip flops off, and curled her feet up under her on the couch.

“Jack and Andrew planned this one on their own. I think it was pretty last minute. The friend that asked for a favor went to school with them so I think they wanted to help the guy out.” As Chad spoke, he eyed Jennie’s shoes on the floor beneath them.

She smiled her most innocent smile as she watched Chad size up her shoes. He stood and picked them up again and put them back by the door before coming back to the couch.

Oh my God. I had no idea he was such a neat freak.

“Jack’s sending us info to look over tomorrow. He emailed and said Peter sent financials earlier and there are a few areas we need to look into. Something about the boating trips and scuba diving,” Chad said. “That’s all I know for now.”

Jennie popped up off the couch and wandered to the kitchen. “I wonder if they have snacks in here.” She began opening and closing cabinets and the fridge and calling off anything she found.

“Bottled water. More sodas. No snacks. Hmmmm. We should stock up on late night snacks.” She walked back to the front door, slipped her shoes on, and wandered back to the bedroom.

“We pick up the phone any time we want anything and have it sent, Jennie,” Chad said and she could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.

She came back into the room carrying her toothbrush and kicked her shoes off at the marble-topped table in the kitchen before plopping into one of the chairs.

“But, what if I just want popcorn in the middle of the night?”

Chad laughed and shook his head. “They’ll get you anything you want, any time. Day or night. It’s that kind of place and I’m pretty sure Jack booked us that kind of package. He seems to have gone with premium everything. We don’t have to lift a finger for the next two weeks. Might as well enjoy it.”

“Huh. Nice. All right. I’m hittin’ the shower, Big Man.” Jennie popped up again and began to cross the room but kept one eye on the room behind her.

Sure enough, the second she stepped away from her shoes, Chad crossed the room to put them back by the door again. Jennie turned and watched him.

When he returned to the couch, he lay down and closed his eyes. He put his feet up on one arm of the couch and his head on a pillow he’d braced across the other arm.

She tiptoed over to the front door and raised her foot to slip into the flip flops once again.

“Whaaaaa!” Jennie squealed as Chad wrapped a strong arm around her waist. He lifted her off the floor before she could get so much as a toe into her shoe.

Laughing, she squeaked as he walked to the bathroom with her locked in place. “Put me down!”

She heard Chad’s low laugh and felt the rumbling it brought to his chest. God, he felt so damn good she wanted to cry.

And he smelled good, too. Spicy clean and manly.

He dropped her to her feet in the bathroom and shut the door.

“Good night, Jen,” she heard through the door.

By that time, the laughter had left her system, replaced by heat. She’d felt pure lust spread through her traitorous body when she was pressed against the hard expanse of Chad’s chest and the flat chiseled muscles of his stomach.

She’d wanted to grind against him, pressing her hips back into him as she did. She’d wanted to spin in his arms and wrap herself around him to kiss him senseless. As she stood in the bathroom without him, she could think only one thing: she wanted that strong arm wrapped around her again, holding her tight, hugging her to him. Wanted and didn’t want…all in one breath.

Chapter 10

“Hey Jack, what ya got for us?” Chad asked as he and Jennie sat on opposite sides of his phone, which was set on speaker. Between the size of the couch and the temptation of Jennie in the room next to him, Chad hadn’t slept well at all.

Touching her last night had been a mistake. Wrapping one arm around her for the brief minute it took to move her to the bathroom before she could get to her flip flops again was all it took to have Chad stirred up.