It felt like she was floating on a cloud as Chad’s hands and mouth played over her body, sending her to heights she’d never imagined.

Chad called on every ounce of self-control he possessed. Just hearing Jennie say she wanted to feel instead of forget meant she wanted to be here with him, in this moment.

She wasn’t trying to forget her pain or pretend she was back in Kyle’s arms. She was here with Chad.

And, he would make sure he gave her everything she needed, more if he could. He’d felt a shift in her since she had told her family about the guilt she’d been carrying over Kyle’s death. He still knew she didn’t love him the way he loved her. But for now, knowing she wanted to be here in this moment with him was enough.

As Chad felt the orgasm race through Jennie’s body, he pulled back. He watched in amazement as her face reflected what her body was feeling. She was stunning. There just weren’t any words for the beauty he saw in her.

When she began to come back to him, he gently licked and teased, coming close to where she needed his touch the most, but knowing she’d be too sensitive there right now. He slowly swirled and circled around her clitoris, not touching yet.

He gradually wound her back up again as she twisted, pleading, beneath his mouth and hands. And when she was ready, he slipped his fingers into her and closed his mouth over her while she moaned and called out his name.

Chad loved the sight of Jennie naked and pulsing with need beneath him. He could watch her come apart over and over and never tire of it. He slowly lowered his head again, but kept his eyes on her face. He captured her clit with his mouth and sucked hard as she spiraled off into an orgasm again. He’d never get enough of that.

The sounds of her sweet, raspy release were mesmerizing. The way her body glistened with a thin layer of perspiration. The way she thrashed beneath him, moaning and gasping. The look of sheer joy on her face.

The way her body tightened around his fingers, swollen and wet and hot. He could do this again and again for the rest of their lives. If only she’d let him.

Chad reached into the nightstand by the bed for a condom.

He kept his eyes on hers as he came back to the bed with her. He lowered himself over her, then took her mouth with his. God, how he loved this woman.

“Jennie,” he whispered, his lips still against hers.

Gently, Chad entered her, barely suppressing a groan at the feel of his hard length gripped by her. He held still for a minute, regaining control. He wanted this to last longer than the thirty seconds it was looking like it would be right then.

“I won’t ever get enough of this feeling, Jen.”

Her arms wrapped around his neck, her legs around his waist. He didn’t break the contact with her mouth as he drew out slowly, then plunged back in. Deep, long, slow.

He didn’t let himself go like he would have liked. If Jennie wasn’t pregnant, he’d be driving into her hard and fast and deep over and over again until they were both spinning out of control. Instead, he moved slowly, drawing back until only the head of his erection was barely inside her before plunging equally slowly back in again.

Her soft mewls were low and pleading, driving him to insanity as his body wound closer and closer to orgasm. He broke from her mouth and lowered his head to her breast. The feel of her pebbled nipple against his tongue was decadent and sensual. He closed his mouth around her breast as he pushed into her sweet, wet folds with one last, deep thrust.

He felt her orgasm as she tightened around him and cried out. And he followed her, finally, letting himself go. Letting himself get lost in her, knowing he wouldn’t be able to turn back now. Whether she ever returned his love or not, he would love this woman for the rest of his life.

Chapter 35

Jennie and Chad slept through much of the day, trying to catch up on sleep they’d missed the night before. They woke in the early evening to a call from Mike.

“What’s up?” Chad asked as Jennie sat up beside him in bed, one hand resting on his back.

He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close as he listened to Mike. The thought that something might happen to Jennie now, after all they’d been though, made Chad sick. He needed to end this. He needed to find a way to keep her safe.

“There’s been a delay in getting Burke’s phone messages. Some kind of technical glitch, supposedly. I don’t know how soon we’ll get the records, but I’ve been in touch with Burke’s supervisor. He wants us to go ahead with the meeting with Burke,” Mike said.

Chad cursed under his breath. “Okay. Set it up.”

“I want you to go in with a decoy. I’ve got an undercover agent we can pass off as Jennie, but I want you to be there to fill in any details or answer any questions she may not have answers to. I’ve briefed her on everything Jennie saw and heard and she’ll be ready to go by the time we meet, but I want you there as backup.”

Chad hesitated. If he was at the meeting, he couldn’t be with Jennie. He couldn’t be by her side, keeping her safe. But, he also knew they’d never be able to stop running if he didn’t flush out Bandon and anyone else who was helping Bandon.

Chad’s eyes caught Jennie’s and he knew she couldn’t keep living on the run. No one, other than him and Mike, Burke’s supervisor and the attorney assigned to the case would know she was here and security in his building was tight. He decided he could leave her here safely.

Mike and Chad chose a time and location for the following day. With any luck, they’d draw Bandon out of hiding, prove Burke was guilty of leaking information —at the very least—and most likely of accepting bribes that could have the case tied up without Jennie’s testimony, by the following day.

Jennie watched Chad talk on the phone and tried to make sense of the emotions swirling around in her head and her heart. This was only the second time she had slept in his arms, despite the fact that they’d lived together for a month.