
Jennie was laughing and crying when she heard the door open behind her. Chad sat quietly on the bed next to her without saying a word. He reached for a tissue and wiped her face for her, then passed her a plate of toast.


Without a word, she took the plate and handed the letter to Chad. He looked at it and looked back at her.

“Where’d this come from?” he asked.

“I’ve been carrying it around in my purse.”

His eyebrows shot up. “You just opened it now?”

Jennie laughed and brushed at her tears with the back of her hand. “I’m slow. But apparently he knew that.”

She nodded at the letter. Chad looked at her for a second but began to read.

“Bugsy?” he asked with a smile.

She smiled and nodded, biting into the hot toast as Chad continued to read.

“He was a smart man,” he said when he finished the letter. “You should listen to him.”

She laughed and they sat quietly while Jennie ate and Chad waited. When she finished, he took the plate from her hands and set it on the table next to the bed. He pulled her onto his lap and held her tight.

She wasn’t crying anymore. She held onto Chad and let all the heartache and pain she’d been holding in for so long seep from her body. She’d never felt more emotionally drained.

But she also felt better than she had in a long time. She felt lighter, as if she’d finally lost a great load she’d carried for far too long.

She knew it was time to let Kyle go. And, she didn’t need Kyle to tell her to fall in love with Chad. She’d fallen in love with him a long time ago. She had just needed Kyle to tell her it was okay to feel that way. To let Chad all the way in.

“I love you, Chad,” Jennie said. “I think I always have.”

She felt his head nuzzle her neck and he held her even tighter but didn’t say anything for a long time. Just when she thought he wasn’t going to say anything at all, he finally spoke.

“I’ve loved you forever, Jen. I always have and I always will.”

“You’re gonna marry me, right Chad?”

This got a bark of laughter from Chad.


“What?” Jennie sat up and put both hands on his face, pulling his head up to face her. “What do you mean?”

“You’re not allowed to propose to me, Jennie. That’s my job. Besides, you did it wrong. You don’t have a ring or anything. You’re supposed to be down on one knee with a ring when you propose.”

“I’d look silly if I did that.” She leaned back and looked at him. “You chauvinist pig. That’s, that’s... You can’t do that. You’re turning me down? You’re not going to marry me?”

“Nope.” He smiled and touched her lips with his finger, gently, then brushed his lips to hers. “I’m turning you down.”

“What! You can’t do that. You love me. I’m having your baby. You have to marry me!”

He grinned and shook his head.

“I’ll let you help me name the baby if you marry me,” she said, opening the negotiations.

Chad laughed and flipped Jennie under him, coming down on top of her. He kissed her long and hard, erasing her indignation. Erasing all thoughts from her head, ending all negotiations.