
Chad watched Jennie as she slept—their tiny precious daughter bundled in his arms. He was afraid to move for fear of crushing her. Twenty-two hours of labor had worn Jennie out and seeing her in so much pain had been more than he could handle.

When she’d asked for an epidural, Chad wanted to drop to his knees in thanks, knowing she’d finally get some relief. He didn’t do well with seeing the woman he loved hurting.

The scar on Jennie’s arm was a constant reminder of the pain he’d put her through, but it also reminded him to be so grateful for having the woman he loved in his life.

He looked down at the sweet face of his sleeping daughter and laughed when he remembered Jennie telling their friends what they’d named their child.

Princess Tiffany Tabitha Tobias Thompson. She said it with a completely straight face and sold them all on her sincerity. They’d stood there with the funniest expressions trying to find some polite response. Chad felt so sorry for them, he’d told them the baby’s real name.

Ella Kylee Thompson, named after Chad’s grandmother and Kyle. She was a big baby, weighing in at eight and a half pounds and measuring twenty-three inches, but she still felt so small in Chad’s arms. He worried he would break her. Her foot was the size of his pinkie, but boy did she scream when she came out.

Apparently, she was not thrilled to be taken out of the warm cocoon her mother had kept her in all these months. She turned her little face purple and red and opened that mouth and let the world know she was ticked off.

And, he’d never heard anything so magical in his life.

“Hey, you.” Jennie spoke quietly from the bed.

Chad smiled at her and brought Ella over, knowing she would want to nurse. The baby seemed to want to eat every few hours.

“How do you feel? Do you need anything?”

Jennie shook her head at him and looked down at Ella who now nursed hungrily. Her little eyes were already closed as though she only planned to eat and then drop right off to sleep again.

“I’m okay,” Jennie said. “I want to get home to our own bed and get settled in with you and Ella.”

Chad kissed her forehead and brushed the hair back from her eyes. “Soon, Jen. I’m pretty sure you have to stay here at least one day, if not two,” he said with a laugh.

“Can’t you bribe a doctor? Get them to let me go home?” she asked as Chad laughed at her and shook his head.

“Call some of your army buddies and have them sneak us out? It’ll be a black op. They’ll love it,” she begged.

“I love you, Jennie Thompson,” he whispered, ignoring her plotting.

“I love you, too, Boss Man,” she whispered back.

Chad knew a lifetime with her wouldn’t be enough, but it was a start.

And, he’d take it.

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