Andrew turned his attention to the road and had them home in a few minutes, pulling Jill’s Explorer up to her front door. God, she was so beautiful. He reached over and shook her slender shoulder gently.

“Jill, honey. We’re home,” he said softly, resisting the urge to wake her with kisses instead. He knew instinctively if he kissed the corner of her mouth and worked is way across her lips, she would wake and return his kiss.

What the fuck was happening to him? He wasn’t that guy.

She woke slowly, looking around, trying to get her bearings. “Sorry. I guess I fell asleep.”

“You were tired, huh? You should have told me you were so tired. We could have come home sooner,” he said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door.

Jill got out of the car and opened the back door to let Rev jump out.

“It’s okay. I was having fun. Besides, I’m my own boss. I can sleep as late as I want in the morning,” she said with a smile.

He walked up to the front door with her and handed over the car keys. When their fingers brushed he let them linger for a moment, just a moment longer than he should have. The contact was small but the moment wasn’t.

His eyes were stuck on hers and he knew if he wasn’t careful, if he didn’t stay in control, he would kiss her. His mind raced, debating the pros and cons, the danger of leaning in for just one taste of her.

Andrew stared at her lips and felt himself take a step closer until they stood only inches apart. Her mouth was so tempting. Those full, rosy lips begging him, pleading for just a brush of his tongue, a gentle nip from his teeth.

Rev sat in front of the unopened door and barked, breaking the moment. Thank God for small favors.

Well at least the dog has brains, since I’m apparently functioning with something else right now.

Head cleared, he took a step back, putting distance between him and Jill. “I guess Rev’s ready for bed. Nite, Jill.” His voice was husky with need but he hopped down off the porch and strode to his car.

Distance. It was the only thing that was going to save him now.

When he got in his car, he looked at her one last time. She stood watching him from the porch, fingertips touching her lips as if she too had wondered what that kiss would be like. As if she knew as well as he did that just one kiss would have the power to break their resolve.

He rolled down the window and smiled at her.

“Get some sleep, sweet Jill.”

Then he forced himself to drive away.

Chapter Eleven

Always a glutton for punishment, Andrew once again made the trek over to Jill’s house the following morning. He was an idiot. Worse than an idiot. He seemed to have a sadistic masochistic streak he’d never realized was there.

He cut through the backyard, telling himself he was just going over to be friendly. He was being neighborly, that’s all.

Andrew peeked in the kitchen window but didn’t see Jill anywhere. There was a pan on the stove with eggs in it, though, and from the looks of it, they were well on their way to becoming burnt eggs.

He poked his head in the backdoor.

“Jill?” he called out. No answer.

He stepped into the kitchen and took the pan off the stove. Even Rev didn’t make an appearance. Andrew stuck the pan on one of the cool burners, flicking off the hot one and walked toward the front of the house. He stopped mid stride in the hallway when he heard voices from the front entry.

Jill and someone else.

“Jake, I asked you for a clean break. I thought if I came to New Haven, you’d get the point. I don’t want to see you. I don’t want you checking up on me.Ordropping by to visit,” Jill said.

Ex-husband, Jake? What the fuck is he doing here?

Andrew felt his body tense as he listened to the conversation. It wasn’t any of his business. He should walk away, but the frustration in Jill’s voice was evident. Frustration and something else.Pain?

Ah, shit.Andrew couldn’t walk away and ignore that.