He wished for more work. Something to keep his mind from drifting back to Jill at every moment because functioning with half a hard on every day, all damn day, was getting old.

Debbie knocked and poked her head into the room.

“Andrew? Got a minute?”

“What’s up?”

She came into the room and sat in front of Andrew’s desk with her notepad, indicating she had a list of things to go over. He came around his desk and sat next to her.

Debbie was truly his right hand at Sutton, working seamlessly alongside him.

She began going through the items on her list, confirming dates for events, reports that needed to be finalized.

“Oh, and the new assistant from legal transferred in today. I’ve got her started with Katelyn. Patty is going to show her some of the software she needs to learn, so I think she’s all set for now.”

“Great, thank you. I’ll introduce myself in a bit.”

Theresa pasted a smile on her face as she listened to her new boss, Katelyn.

I can’t believe I have to put up with this idiot. They should have assigned me to work directly with Andrew.

Theresa had spent the morning figuring out who she needed to compete with to line herself up as Andrew’s assistant. From what she’d heard, everyone seemed pretty enamored with Andrew’s assistant, Debbie. Theresa couldn’t see what the big deal was. The woman wasn’tthatgreat.

She would work her way into his good graces and show him what she was capable of. She hoped within a few months, she’d be working directly under him.

She smiled at the thought of beingunderhim.

We all know what happens with men and their secretaries. Once we’re working closely together every day, pulling late nighters and working over lunch, we’ll fall in love. That’s how these things work.

Theresa might not have been in love before, but she was no idiot. She knew how the world of men and women worked. Knew how men thought and what they wanted. They were easy to manipulate once you got hold of their dicks. Hell, it was what they thought with, wasn’t it?

She had to align herself with Andrew and things would fall into place. She hoped things would move faster now that she was in his division. She had worked for six months in legal, hoping Andrew would notice her.

The few times they’d interacted, he smiled at her and she just knew he felt that connection between them, too. But then he would go back to his division and she would be out of sight again. Out of sight, out of mind.

Well, Theresa was damned tired of being out of his sight. She was going to make sure he couldn’t forget about her now. The connection they shared was too strong.

“This afternoon, Patty is going to show you how to use the data entry systems we use. Just let her know when you’re back from lunch and she’ll get you started on the training,” Katelyn said.

God… Babble much, lady?

“Sounds great, Katelyn,” Theresa said through her fake smile.

“Hey, Katelyn. Hi, Theresa.” Andrew offered Theresa his hand. “I think we’ve met before. Welcome to the team.”

There was that zing and the way his eyes met and held hers longer than they should have.It was cute the way he was so professional in front of everyone, but he always found a way to let her know she was special.

He squeezed her hand before letting it go.

“You getting Theresa all settled in?” Andrew asked Katelyn.

“You bet. I’m about to send her to lunch and then she’ll be working with Patty for a few days. We probably won’t be able to show her everything before the quarterly finance meeting but we’ll get her started,” Katelyn said.

Theresa turned and beamed at Andrew. “Quarterly meeting? I can help with that.”Perfect opening for me.

“Oh, don’t worry. We’re all set. Debbie always has everything set a week in advance and then we just plug in any changes at the last minute.” Andrew turned his smile to Katelyn. “These guys run like a well-oiled machine. You can watch things this time. By the time the next quarterly comes around, you’ll be able to pitch in.”

There was no way she’d wait three months to show Andrew what she could do for him.