“Haven’t done what, Jill?”

“Um, just you know, had sex without a real relationship,” she said quietly, her eyes big and round.

“Have you been with anyone other than Jake?” He asked her softly.

He knew he probably shouldn’t pry into the intimate details of her marriage but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to know what she’d been through. He wanted to fix everything for her. It killed him to think Jill had doubts about herself.

She shook her head and he cursed silently. If Jill had never slept with anyone other than Jake, Andrew would bet she’d had years of that selfish ass satisfying no one but himself in the bedroom.

God, how had she tied herself to such a pig when she could have had any man on the planet drooling over her? She was so smart, and beautiful, so talented. How had she ended up with a guy like Jake?

“Then, you’re gonna love this,” Andrew said with a grin and leaned in to brush his lips against hers again. He waited a breath to see if she would push him away and when she didn’t, he tangled his hands into her hair and pulled her toward him.

Andrew deepened the kiss with a sweep of his tongue.

Jill went stiff for a second but then melted into his hold and he felt her begin to kiss him back.

He broke the kiss and held his forehead to hers as he caught his breath and let her catch her bearings.

“Are you okay with this, Jill?” he asked.

Say yes. Please, say yes.

She nodded and then confirmed with a small ‘yes.’

H hadn’t realized that he had been holding his breath, waiting to see her answer. He scooped Jill up and carried her upstairs, only mildly aware that as they made their retreat upstairs, Rev cleaned the remnants of food from their plates.

Jill felt a thrill of anticipation ripple over the fear and nerves running through her. Although she had been in one other long relationship before Jake and had been intimate with that man, they had never actually made love.

With her limited experience, Jill was filled with trepidation at the thought that she might not know what to do with Andrew. That she might not be able to satisfy him.

With Jake, their sex life had always been nice, it certainly hadn’t been mind-blowing at all. She’d tried hard to please Jake, but when Jill heard some of her friends talk about being with their boyfriends or husbands, she always wondered about their enthusiasm. Her friends made it sound like their experiences were so much better than hers. What if there was something wrong with her?

When she’d thought about a meaningless fling, it seemed like such a great idea. Jill thought she could be as free and laid back about things as some of her girlfriends were in the bedroom. But now, when she was on the verge of actually going through with things, she couldn’t help but wonder if this was a monumentally humiliating mistake.

Andrew stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at her expectantly, then laughed when Jill just looked back at him, unsure of what to say.

“Which room, Jill?”

“Oh! Sorry. End of the hall.” She gestured to the right. He carried her toward the bedroom she had used as a girl and had taken over again when she returned to her grandparents’ house.

Andrew set her down outside the door and then turned the knob and opened the room.

He seemed to sense her hesitation and she marveled at his patience, at the gentleness as he pulled her into another kiss before looking at her.

“I promise. We’ll go slowly and you can stop me any time you want to. You say the word and we’ll stop, honey.”

Jill’s stomach fluttered as the endearment fell off Andrew’s tongue. Jake had never been very free with things like pet names or affections.

Andrew took her hand and led her to the bed, laying her down but watching her, meeting her gaze. She thought she would drown in his eyes if she weren’t careful but she couldn’t break the hold he had over her. She really didn’t want to break the hold Andrew had over her.

She realized, nervous as she was, she didn’t want to pass this up. He already made her feel desirable and wanted again. Something told her that being with him wouldn’t be anything like being with Jake. And she was ready for something new, something new and different.

Andrew certainly fit the bill. On all counts.

Chapter Fifteen

Andrew lay Jill down on her bed, her golden hair fanning out on the pillow beneath her head – like the rays of sun that shone through the leaves in her photograph.