He didn’t answer. He couldn’t. He was too busy thinking about what he would have done if Jill had been the one hurt. He pulled her tighter and held on until his pulse stopped racing.

He began to nuzzle Jill’s neck, brushing his lips against her soft skin. Buried in the warmth of her neck was turning out to be one of Andrew’s favorite places to be. He could immerse himself forever in Jill, breathing in her scent. Somehow, in the middle of winter, she smelled like summertime. Like grass and sun and sand. Like happiness. And contentment.

He felt her squirm beneath him and he laughed. “I guess we’re awake now.”

“You certainly are,” she laughed and he felt her wiggle her bottom on his lap, where he was already hard and ready for her.

He gripped her hips and held her tighter. Jill dropped her mouth to his and Andrew captured her lips. Hot and soft and all his. Only his.

He ran his hands up her body and watched her respond to his touch. His palms grazed the sides of her breasts and she leaned further into them, her hands playing through his hair. Andrew groaned and gathered Jill, flipping her over onto the bed. He came down over her, pressing his thigh between her legs, spreading her legs for him.

She sighed and lifted her body toward his. She deepened their kiss and Andrew let his hands roam her body, exploring and teasing. They moved slowly, taking their time. He knew then that he would never need anyone else to satisfy him.

Only Jill. He could never tire of her body. The soft moans and sighs she made. The urgent movements when she needed more of him.

“Andrew,” Jill gasped. He would never tire of the sound of his name on her lips. He stroked Jill’s core, teasing with just the amount of pressure that always seemed to bring her to the edge. He watched her beautiful face, watched her come apart in his arms and knew he would never tire of that, either.

Jill’s body was still reeling when Andrew slid back between her legs. He kissed her lips...deep, sensual kisses that kept her head up in the clouds. She felt like she could get drunk on his kisses. His touch. The taste of him. He quickly found a condom in the bedside drawer and rolled it over his hard, thick length.

She felt him between her legs, pressing into her, deeper than anything she’d felt before. Jill moaned and pulled him closer, wanting more of him. Wanting all she could have.

“I can’t get enough of this feeling,” she whispered.

He groaned. A deep rumbling sound Jill felt deep in his chest.

“I could wrap my arms and legs around you and hang on forever,” she said, and Andrew’s groan came again while he drove deeper and harder.

“You’re killing me, Jill,” he said as he crushed her mouth with his and swallowed her small gasps and moans.

She raised her hips, pushing him deeper. She made small circles with her hips, meeting each stroke of his with a circling stroke of her own. She felt his breathing become uneven, raspy. She felt an erotic power as his body coiled for release above her.

With a deep roar, Andrew’s resolve broke and Jill’s orgasm began with his. He continued to drive into her, drawing her orgasm out long after his own ended. Jill fell, exhausted, beneath him.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Andrew called Jack on the way to the office and filled him in on Debbie’s attack. He had already called Patty earlier that morning to let her know she needed to cover for Debbie that day. At Sutton, they always had backup plans in place. And backup plans for the backup places.

When Andrew pulled into the parking garage at the office, Patty was just stepping out of her car.

“Have you heard anything more from Bob? Is Debbie back at home?” She asked as they walked toward the elevator together.

“No. I didn’t want to call too early today. We’ll send some flowers over to her this morning and then take a break from the meeting to call her a little later,” he said.

When they stepped out of the elevator into the lobby of Sutton Capital, Andrew was surprised to see Theresa was already there. He and Debbie were usually the only ones to arrive at six o’clock unless, like today, Patty came in. The rest of the team would arrive in an hour or so.

“Good morning, Theresa,” Andrew said. “What are you doing here so early?”

“Oh, I just thought I’d come in early in case you needed help getting ready for the meeting. Where’s Debbie?” she asked.

“She was mugged last night. She’s home and all right now, but she’s going to take a day or two off to rest,” Andrew said.

“Oh, that’s awful! Well I’m happy to help you with the quarterly meeting. I’m sure I can jump into Debbie’s shoes with no problem,” Theresa said confidently.

She completely ignored the fact that Patty stood by Andrew’s side and he found himself mildly annoyed at how oblivious she could be.

He knew he shouldn’t be. She was new to the team and trying to prove herself and she was only trying to help. But he was on edge after what had happened to Debbie.

“Oh, thank you, but that’s not necessary. We have shadow assistants in place for all the corporate officers. Patty always knows everything Debbie is doing and is prepped and ready to jump into Debbie’s role if needed. It won’t be an issue.”