“Hey, guys,” Andrew said as he walked into Jack’s office to meet with Chad and Jack.

“Hey, how was the trip?” Jack asked.

Andrew grinned. He had planned to wait to tell them until he and Jill could tell everyone together, but what the hell? He couldn’t get the smile off his face or hide his happiness, so why not tell his best friends?

“Jill and I are getting married.” It felt weird to say it and by the shocked looks on his friends’ faces, it sounded a little funny too.

“Holy shit! We send you off for the weekend, a confirmed bachelor, and you come back ready to tie the knot,” Chad said.

Jack just grinned and shook Andrew’s hand, pulling him in for a one-armed hug.

“I love her. It just hit me one day. I just can’t picture life without her,” Andrew said.

Jack got a funny look on his face. “Did you tell her that?” he asked.

Andrew and Jack had talked about Andrew’s feelings about confessing love to someone.

“Oh, hell no. I wanted to but she’d freak if I told her that.” Andrew heard groans from both of his friends but continued on. “Jill’s not really in a place to hear that. She was in love with her husband and thought her husband was in love with her. After the way that ended, she says she won’t put her faith in love again. She would run if I told her how I feel.”

“So, how exactly did this proposal go?” Chad asked, scrubbing a hand over the back of his neck.

“It’s complicated,” Andrew said, fighting not to squirm under their scrutiny.

This earned him hard, level stares from both his friends.

Andrew shrugged. “Look, all you need to know is that we’re great friends, the chemistry is off the charts, and we want a life together. Webothwant a future together. That’s all that matters. How I got us there isn’t important.”

Jack was the first to diffuse the tension. “Hey, far be it from me to judge. I paid my wife to marry me and look how happy we are. If this is what you want, I’m happy for you, man.”

“Yeah, Jack’s right. Congratulations, little guy.” In light of his unusual height and size, Chad called Jack and Andrew ‘little guy’ fairly often.

The clap on the back told Andrew Chad was trying to lighten the mood.

Jack grabbed a bottle of Scotch from a drawer and poured each of them two fingers to toast Andrew’s good news before they settled down to begin their morning meeting.

Just before lunchtime, Jennie was surprised to hear that all staff were being called for an impromptu employee meeting in the front lobby. This wasn’t anything she’d ever seen at Sutton Capital. She tried to catch Chad to ask him what was going on, but she didn’t see him anywhere.

She walked to the front lobby and took a spot at the edge of the group waiting for Jack to begin the meeting.

“I know this is a bit unusual, guys,” Jack began in the informal way he often addressed the close-knit team at Sutton. “But we have a few things to celebrate today. First, I want to welcome back Debbie, who assures me she’s feeling better than ever.”

Amidst the clapping and good-natured welcome back messages from those around her, Jennie heard a harsh whisper next to her.

“What isshedoing back?” Jennie turned to see Theresa’s pinched face next to her.

“Um, I guess she’s ready to come back?” Jennie was never at a loss for words. Except around Theresa. Something about this woman just wasn’t right. Moments later, her theory was confirmed when Jennie saw Theresa’s response to Jack’s second announcement.

“And, congratulations are in order for Andrew as well,” Jack continued when the room quieted down. “Andrew and his girlfriend, Jill, got engaged this weekend. Join me in wishing them a long and happy life together!”

This time the room exploded in talk and cheers as all of Sutton Capital lined up to celebrate with Andrew. In the middle of clapping her hands, Jennie felt Theresa’s hand clench down on her arm in a crushing grip.

“I thought you said he had only been dating that woman for a short time? Why would he be marrying her?” Theresa spit her words out.

Jennie stared at the woman next to her and then wrenched her arm free. She rubbed the spot where Theresa’s hand had gripped her arm, sure there would be bruises tomorrow.

Every instinct Jennie had was raised as she watched the look of rage on Theresa’s face and heard a mumbled accusation of pregnancy to trap a man.

“Excuse me, I need to go to lunch,” Jennie said, anxious to get away from Theresa.