As he stroked her , using his body to cover what he was doing between them from cameras, he nipped at her neck and continued to whisper in her ear. “By the time I’m finished with you, sweet Jill, you’ll never misbehave again. You’ll be begging me to let you come and promising to be on your best behavior if I’ll just give you that sweet relief you need.”

Jill groaned, knowing Andrew could make good on that threat. When they got to their room, he did just that. Somehow, he managed to call on a level of patience and control like Jill had never seen. He used his hands, his mouth, his teeth, to drive her close to the edge, but always pulled back just before she toppled over to the release she needed.

“Please, Andrew, please,” she cried as he pulled back yet again.

He laughed, low and sexy deep in his throat. “I told you I’d make you pay.”

“I need you inside me, Andrew. Please, I need you now.” She raised her hips, trying to rock against him, to urge him to fill her, but he pulled back, having none of it.

“Promise to be a good girl?”

“No.” She writhed under him.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. You have to be taught a lesson.”

Desperate, she pulled out the one card she held. “Andrew, I started taking the pill two weeks ago.”

He stilled, his lips still touching her inner thigh where she’d interrupted his ministrations.

She knew she had his attention.

“It takes two weeks for the pill to be effective, Andrew. Do you know what that means?”

He crawled up her body, his forearms framing her face, meeting her gaze. All the laughter was gone from his eyes. It was replaced by a look of sheer wonder that made Jill’s breath catch in her throat.

“Please tell me that means what I think it means, Jill,” he said.

Jill smiled and nodded. “No condom.”

His groan was low in his throat as he leaned in to kiss her gently, passionately, no longer toying with her. He kept his eyes on hers, deepening his kiss.

Then slowly, tenderly, he entered her, bringing a gasp to her lips. She pressed her lips to his shoulder and bit down as he thrust into her slowly again and again, causing the sweet pressure of orgasm to build.

“Oh, Jill,” he groaned. His voice seemed to fade away as if he couldn’t find words.

She knew just how he felt. The feeling of being with Andrew with nothing separating them was so intimate. At that moment, she felt closer to Andrew than she’d ever felt to anyone. There were no words to describe what she was feeling physically or emotionally as they climaxed together moments later.

Chapter Thirty-Four

The end of November came and Jill and Andrew joined family and friends for Thanksgiving at Jack and Kelly’s house. They picked up Nora and Lydia and brought them along.

Chad and Chad’s mother, Mabry, were already gathered and Jill was introduced to them, along with the rest of the gathered crowd. She tried to memorize faces and names. Chad was Jack’s cousin and also one of Andrew’s best friends.

Jennie, who also worked at Sutton, planned to stop by for dessert later in the evening. Once again, Jill found herself surrounded by love and comfort and she absorbed as much of that as she could. It felt really good to be around so much love.

Kelly’s family was wonderful. Her mother and sister, Jesse, wanted to hear all about the plans for the wedding. They had some great ideas since they had just been through the wedding planning process with Jack and Kelly.

Nora and Lydia jumped into the wedding daydreams as well and Jill had to remind everyone that they wanted something small and understated. If she wasn’t careful, she would end up renting out the Waldorf-Astoria in New York with five hundred of their closest friends.

In traditional Thanksgiving manner, the men gathered in the living room to watch football. The women gravitated to the kitchen and pitched in to help Mrs. Poole, Jack and Kelly’s housekeeper, finish up the Thanksgiving dinner with occasional visits from a man Jill was introduced to as Roark.

He came into the kitchen periodically asking if Mrs. Poole needed help. She’d shoo him out and return to her work, but twice Jill thought she saw the woman blush when he’d left the room.

“These pies look incredible,” Jill said as she mashed potatoes. There were three pies set out on the counter. One was pumpkin, one apple, and the other pecan. She practically drooled as she tried to decide which one she wanted after the meal.

If she even had any room. There was so much food. There was not only a turkey, but also glazed ham, sweet potatoes and the mashed potatoes she was making. Green bean casserole, stuffing, gravy, homemade rolls that looked like they would melt in your mouth, and cranberries. She could feel the food coma coming on and she hadn’t done more than snack on baked brie and veggies and dip so far.

“My sister made those,” Kelly said and Jesse smiled at her sister.