“Hi, Jill. Just wanted to let you know we got Theresa. She was standing outside your house, actually. Staring at the house. They haven’t found her car yet, and she’s not talking. No ID on her, but she matches the description: five feet, four inches, brown hair, brown eyes. I’ll confirm ID for sure when I get down to the station but you guys can breathe easier.”

“Oh, that’s great, Jarrod. Andrew was up all night worrying and he won’t let me out of his sight. I’ll let him know as soon as he wakes up. Do you need us to come back before Monday for anything?” she asked, feeling a weight lift from her chest.

“Nah. You guys are fine. I’ll handle things from this end and get statements from you all on Monday. Tell Andrew to take it easy.”

“Thank you, Jarrod,” she said and cut the connection.

She blew out a breath and looked at Andrew. He was still out cold, stretched along the length of the couch. After letting her eyes roam over his body for a few minutes, she smiled and turned back to the kitchen.

She hadn’t been sure Theresa would do much more than yell at her or something if she came to confront her, but still, she could feel the difference in the set of her shoulders now the tension had left her.

“Might as well go get groceries,” she whispered to the dogs. Rev and Zoe began wagging their tails furiously while she scribbled a note to Andrew.

“Uh uh. You guys wait here. I’ll take you out for a hike when I get back.”

She grabbed her purse and slipped out the door, shutting it behind her before the dogs could follow.

There hadn’t been fresh snow for a few days on the mountain. Although the land around the cabin was still covered in snow, the road was mostly clear. There were a few patchy ice spots, so Jill guided her SUV carefully down the steep road.

She slowed when she approached the Gunderson’s driveway. It was a long drive that was covered in heavy woods near the end. Because of the trees it was impossible to see if a car was about to turn onto the road, so they’d all gotten used to slowing there to be sure.

After she passed the driveway, she saw a small sedan turn onto the road behind her. Although she didn’t recognize the sedan as one of the Gunderson’s cars, Jill didn’t think anything of the other driver’s presence until she saw the car suddenly speed toward her in the rear-view mirror.

Her stomach lurched at the sight.

Oh, no! They must be hydroplaning.

It seemed the only explanation for such a sudden burst of speed on an icy road. Then the sedan clipped the rear bumper of Jill’s explorer. Not enough to cause a major accident, but just enough to send Jill sliding a bit.

She quickly got control of her vehicle and pulled to a stop. She didn't want to end up in the shoulder where there was still soft snow. She’d have trouble getting out of there, so she just nosed her SUV to a halt on the very edge of the road.

The sedan skidded a bit but stopped. Jill saw the driver coming toward her and rolled down the window to let the driver know she was safe. The last thing she saw before her world went black was the large rock in the driver’s hand.

Puzzled as to why the driver would be holding a rock, Jill didn’t even process the fact that the rock was being swung with great force at her head until it was too late.

She raised her arms and tried to fight the woman off, but that hesitation had cost her. Too much.

Chapter Forty-Four

Well, that was easy. I’m really getting good at this.

Theresa had taken some confidence-boosting courses online and knew it was important to recognize her own self-worth and affirm her value routinely. She opened the door to Jill’s car and dragged the unconscious woman from the vehicle.

Jill’s body fell to the ground with a thud.

Thank God for deserted mountain roads, huh?

Theresa laughed as she hauled Jill up by the arms and dragged her to the back door of her sedan. After shoving Jill into the backseat of the car, Theresa hopped back in the driver’s seat and proceeded down the mountain, humming as she drove.

I wonder what song that is? Oh well. Doesn’t matter.

Theresa hummed her unknown tune for twenty minutes as she drove off the mountain and toward major highways where she could put some distance between her car and anyone who might come looking for the little whore.

When she hit the highway, she spoke to Jill, who lay in the backseat, bleeding from a head wound.

“Time for you to pay for your little plot against my Andrew, slut.” Theresa looked in the rearview mirror as she spoke to her passenger, as if she were speaking to a willing passenger instead of an unconscious person lying prone along the backseat.

Her tone was calm and conversational. “You and I are going to find a quiet place together, where we can have a chat. I’ll get you to admit everything you’ve done to Andrew. All your conniving manipulation.”