“Drayce Ladon,” Nori began, his deep voice sweeping through the cozy room. “Because of your immense bravery and selfless dedication to the protection of King Caelan Talos of Erya, as well as the lost son of the Omari, we would be honored if you would consider joining Clan Omari.” Nori dropped his voice so that it was a little softer when he added. “Though after your experiences, we would not be hurt if you preferred to not join our clan.”

“No, but…I can’t…” Drayce’s voice cracked.

The old dragon smiled. “I lost one son to an ocean and time but got a wonderful grandson in return. I would like very much to know an Omari is watching over him no matter where he goes. Besides, I’m the clan leader. I can do what I want, and there is no dragon more honorable than you.”

With shaking hands, Drayce reached out and took the white robe from Nori. He clutched it tightly to his chest, wrapping both arms around it as he fell to his knees in front of Nori and bowed his head. “My vows to the Erya crown and godstone will always come first, but may my actions always reflect positively on the honor of Clan Omari. I swear to always protect the King of Erya with my life.”

Nori gripped Drayce’s slender shoulder and squeezed. “I know you will.”

As Drayce rose, roughly wiping his eyes, Caelan crossed to his grandfather and tightly hugged him.

“If I cannot be with you, at least I know an Omari is protecting you,” Nori murmured in a rough voice in his ear.

Caelan closed his eyes against the burning of unshed tears. “I will come back to see you. This is not our last visit. I swear it.”

He wanted to keep this promise with every fiber of his being…but the gods had plans for him, and his chances of survival felt so very slim.


Rayne Laurent

Rayne had never been so grateful in his life to put his feet on the ground. He slid off the dragon’s back with zero grace and his knees immediately collapsed. He placed both hands on the ground and just remained there for several seconds, relishing the feel of the cold snow and frozen dirt beneath him.

Haru had said the flight would take only a couple of hours, but Rayne was sure they’d been in the air for three times as long. They’d layered heavily for the bitter cold air and he’d managed to remain surprisingly warm pressed to the dragon, but that had done nothing to assuage his fear of simply falling off the dragon.

A hand landed on his shoulder and rubbed firmly. “Are you okay?” Eno asked in a rough whisper. Eno had ridden behind him, his arms wrapped tightly around him while his giddy laughter was whipped away by the wind. Rayne had clutched the dragon tightly and kept his eyes locked on its pale-green scales when he was brave enough to even open his eyes.

“Never. Again. I am walking to the Omari from here. I’m not doing that again,” Rayne bit out between clenched teeth.

A pair of sturdy, worn boots came into his line of sight, but they were accompanied by a sweet, feminine voice. “Is he okay?”

“Yeah, he’ll be fine. Not a fan of flying and heights. Thanks for carrying us, Mika,” Eno answered with a note of amusement in his voice.

It was not a matter of minding heights. Rayne was not afraid of heights. He didn’t really care for flying at such an astounding altitude with nothing to properly strap him to the dragon. He’d seen the insane loops and twists the dragons did in the air. It was a graceful ballet, but he didn’t want to be holding on to that dragon while they were performing such a dance.

Rayne jerked his head up to inform his companions of that, but the words became lodged in his throat when his eyes fell on Mika. Both the name and sound of her voice conjured up images of a tiny, slender woman. Not the veritable tank that stood beside him with a concerned look on her face. She was built like Eno with the same broad shoulders and thick arms.

“You’re the dragon who carried us?” Rayne rasped.

Mika smiled warmly and nodded. She gently caught Rayne’s elbow and helped him to his feet. It felt as if she could lift him like a child.

“Mika asked to be our ride to the godstone,” Eno murmured. “I said it was fine with me so long as she took good care of you.”

“I tried to make the ride as smooth as possible,” Mika added in that same sweet voice.

Rayne cleared his throat. “Uh…yes. It was fine. I-I just don’t like heights. We should join the others.” His brain was struggling with the information it was receiving. Powerful female with the voice of a much smaller woman who turned into a massive dragon. He was starting to miss his desk, his computer, and the endless pile of emails that were undoubtedly waiting for him. The Isle of Stone was too confusing.