Diving, he attacked one Takahashi dragon after another, breaking wings and snapping necks, sending one after another crashing out of the skies. He was one of the largest dragons soaring in the clouds, and he was happy to make his presence known.

After taking out his third dragon, the Takahashi seemed to realize that he was turning the tide against them. They started attacking him in groups of three or more. They couldn’t take out his wings, but they aimed for his throat and belly, hoping to eviscerate him with their sharp talons.

A streak of orange was his only warning before Haru slammed into a dragon that had gotten its talons into Drayce’s back. The dragon roared in pain and flew off Drayce. Haru sniffed in as dignified a manner as a dragon could manage and Drayce bumped him with his head. Yeah, it was nice having a clan that watched out for him.

Drayce circled the compound, searching for some sign of Omari Nori in the chaos. Haru was holding his own in the fray with few problems and while he couldn’t spot Megumi, he had a feeling she was protecting the rookery. That left just the clan leader vulnerable.

Lightning crackled overhead and a bolt slammed down from the heavens, nearly blinding Drayce. He blinked a couple of times to clear his vision and when it did, his heart nearly stopped. He’d found Nori. The clan leader was lying across a set of stairs, the front of his white robe soaked with blood, and in front of him was a very pissed Caelan.

And the dragon standing opposite his lover and his new clan leader was his father.

Drayce would recognize Takahashi Masaru’s dragon anywhere. His shining black scales may have dulled with time and were more charcoal gray, but there was still the scar on his chest and the missing left fang. He would always know Masaru. His father had served as his chief tormentor when he was a child. And when he could no longer balance torturing his youngest child and running the clan, he’d handed the task over to his oldest son, Shinobu.

With a snarl, Drayce dove sharply, all his claws pointed out as he slammed into Masaru’s large frame. He bashed his head into Masaru’s roaring maw and hooked his talons deep. Spreading his wings, he lifted them both up so he could toss Masaru through the stone wall and put some much-needed distance between Caelan and his father.

He landed with a heavy thud that shook the ground and knocked fighters to their knees. His wings crackled and snapped, as if the Goddess of Fire were pissed with him. Maybe she was. This was the man who had ordered his real wings removed. This was the man who had ordered him to die rather than allowing him to protect the Guardian of the Godstone. He wanted to believe that he could feel her standing there beside him, her hand on his head as she supported his rage and years of pain.

Masaru rolled over onto his feet, his expression seeming confused as he took in Drayce’s wings of fire that stretched high and wide around his youngest child. But even without the wings, Drayce was larger than his father, and right now, he was feeling fucking meaner.

It wasn’t the death threats.

It wasn’t even stealing his wings.

No, Masaru had threatened his lover. And no one got a pass when it came to Caelan’s life.

He started to charge when Masaru suddenly shifted into his human form. Drayce jerked to a stop. Oh, he could stomp on the asshole, but that wouldn’t be half as satisfying. Probably.

Fine. If Masaru had some last words to deliver, he’d let him.

Drayce released his hold on his dragon and changed to his human body as well. He glared at the man who’d been his clan leader but never really his father. He might never have had a father in his life, but he’d found a damn good family.

“You-you dare to show your face—”

“How else would I ever get the chance to show you my new wings?” Drayce taunted, not letting him spew all his hatred. “Goddess given and everything. I think they’re even better than my old ones.”

Drayce glanced around at the handful of Takahashi fighters who encircled them. Weapons were drawn, but none of them would attack him unless Masaru gave the signal. And there was no doubt that this old bastard wanted the pleasure of taking out Drayce all on his own.

“Lies!” Masaru hissed. “There is no Goddess of Fire anymore. Even if there was, why would she give such a gift to a worthless dragon like you? No! You’re no dragon. Those aren’t wings. You’re nothing!”

“No!” Drayce snapped. “I’m the chosen protector of the King of Erya, the Guardian of the Godstone.” As smooth as silk, Drayce slid both nine-millimeter pistols Eno had packed for him from their holsters and fired off two shots. One bullet ripped through Masaru’s heart and the second blew through his forehead.