He was likely right, but Caelan let it go. He wasn’t overly worried about Haru sneaking off the island so he could see more of the world. A different thought had started to nag at his mind.

“Does it bother you that you’re going to live so much longer than me? Because you’re a dragon, I mean,” he quickly tacked on at the end so Drayce wouldn’t suspect any other reasons for that question.

“Why’s that? Because you’re a normal human?” Drayce chuckled and brushed a kiss along his cheekbone. “You keep forgetting that you’re half dragon. That means you’re going to live a lot longer than your average human.” Drayce pressed his head against Caelan’s and whispered, “We’ve got so many years ahead of us, Cael. Don’t you worry.”

Caelan closed his eyes and prayed.

Gods, please let him be right.

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