The retort found its mark and Charlie stepped back from the impact, his hands raised defensively. He nodded, letting her know he got it, and he backed out of the room, slamming the door shut in his wake.

The look on Jai’s face was priceless. Ari wished someone would record it so she could watch it over and over again, especially on days when he’d been particularly jackass-like. The way he made her feel as she walked toward him in the entrance hall was indescribable. Not only did it distract her from the guilt she felt for how she’d spoken to Charlie (even though he'd intentionally hurt her feelings) but it made her feel… wanted. If she could bottle that burning, intense, lush need in her belly, she’d be able to make a fortune on it. Every woman in the world would feel like the most beautiful creature that ever lived.

Proud of herself for not flushing under Jai’s heated gaze, Ari drew to a stop inches from him. He wore a black T-shirt and black jeans, the tiny little diamond in his ear winking under the light from the chandelier above them. Her guardian looked and smelled amazing and Ari had a hard time keeping her hand from reaching out to stroke his strong jaw; a jaw that was clenched with unnamed emotion as he looked at her so fiercely.


Ari shivered.

“You ready?” Jai asked, his voice hoarse as he handed her the fake ID.

Feeling an unexpected giggle in the back of her throat, Ari cleared it. So he wouldn't mention the dress. She shrugged inwardly. Didn’t matter. Charlie was right. Jai thought she was pretty (he’d told her that once) but that meant nothing. He’d been with lots of girls (how many?) and he wasn’t a relationship guy. In fact, he’d actually screwed over a girl to get even with her father. Ari frowned at him.

He scowled in return. “What?”

Ari shrugged, deflecting. “I’m bringing Ms. Maggie, I hope you don’t mind.” The hum of Ms. Maggie’s presence pulsed beside her protectively. It was nice having a poltergeist.

“Fine. Extra protection, I guess.”

They were quiet in the car. It was a sleek Mercedes SL Roadster that belonged to Luca. He’d let them borrow it since it helped them play their part. Ari shivered as they drove out to LA. They could have used the peripatos, but Jai enjoyed driving and thought they’d both appreciate the break from the house for a while before their assignment started. Well, he was wrong. They were still uncomfortable with one another and it didn’t help that Ari’s dress wouldn’t stop riding up despite her attempts to tug the hem down. When Jai shot a look at her legs and tightened his hands on the wheel, Ari almost started hyperventilating from the thick tension between them.

It was with relief when they pulled up to the hotel they were to meet Jennifer and her security detail.

Jai was all business as he met with the head of security at the elevator. The human guy was just as tall as Jai but even more muscular, his thick neck disappearing under his massive square jawline. His shrewd eyes ran over Jai as he introduced them, and Ari had to admit Jai was an impressive sight. His expression was cool and determined, competent, his questionable youth disappearing under the weight of his intelligent gaze. The head of security gave them both a brisk nod as they shook hands. “I’m Brian. Let me introduce you to Ms. Hadley and go over protocol for this evening.”

The elevator ride was quiet, tense. Ari wondered if her frayed nerves were sucking all the oxygen out of the air. Shoving back the urge to cling onto Jai’s hand as they headed down the hotel’s carpeted hallways, Ari tried to strut like she belonged there. Two guys standing outside the hotel room door nodded at Brian as he knocked and waited to be admitted to enter.

The hotel suite was out of this frickin’ world. Not quite the penthouse, but still. Ari didn’t know where to look, eyeing the plush sofas and huge fireplace, the enormous flat screen TV pinned to the wall, and of course the row of floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the city. Wow.

“Ms. Hadley, this is Ari Johnson and Jai Bitar. Your security for this evening.”

Sure enough, there was Jennifer Hadley. Laughing inwardly at how absurd it was to find meeting a famous person surreal when she’d met the immortal Sultan of all Jinn, Ari tried to control her expression as she reached forward to shake Jennifer’s hand. The short blonde actress grinned at them, her famous dimpled smile friendly and warm.

Jennifer nudged her boyfriend and then laughed. “These two don’t look like security. They look like film stars.”

Ari blushed at the compliment and threw a look at Jai. His expression hadn’t changed. Ari grimaced. He was so stuffy when he was on assignment.