“I don’t drink,” Kell said dully. His body only looked as if it was in a resting state, but he was poised to strike.

“Back up, Jake,” Quick said from the side of the mat.

“Ohh. Is he getting mad?” Jake chuckled darkly, glancing at Quick before turning back to Kell. “You mad at me, pretty?”

No, he didn’t just call me pretty again.

“Is this how you spar with all men? That master that you’re standing over is here to do a job and you’re trying to score a date.” Ty’s deep, extremely calm voice was unmistakable amongst the others. “Your lack of professionalism is insulting.”

“I’m insulting you, newbie?” Jake aimed at Ty while keeping his sleazy eyes on Kell.

“You’re insulting yourself.” Ty’s voice was so casual Kell couldn’t decipher if he was really upset, or even half as pissed as him.

Ty? He came to my defense. No one had ever done that for him, not even his own father. Only his sensei.

The man didn’t budge at Ty’s words, but a couple of other volunteer guys co-signed with what he said. There was another person who asked the manager to ‘get started already’ but instead of doing that, he kept up his asshole routine. Jake seemed to be enjoying pissing off as many people as he could.

Like Ty said. Maybe this is a test. Maybe this man is supposed to make me lose my shit in front of my new boss. Won’t happen.

And then it did.

“Looks like everyone wants a piece of you and I can’t blame them.” Jake’s eyes went to Kell’s hood. “Let me remove this so I can see all of that pretty fa—”

Kell’s head was slightly bowed, his feet barely shoulders-width apart. He saw Jake’s right hand in his peripheral, aiming to remove his hood. Who the hell does he think he is?

“Kellam don’t!” his sensei said three seconds too late. It all happened in less than two.

Kell caught Jake’s wrist with his right hand, his thumb pressing deep into a pressure point. Kell heard the slight pop. Jake cried out like the punk-bitch he was. All bullies were. His speed and the shot of pain he’d inflicted had stunned his rival for only a moment. With any wrist clutch, there was always a more violent move that immediately followed. Taking full advantage of Jake’s ignorance and shock, Kell planted his right foot behind him, using the momentum in his hips, and slammed his open palm in the center of Jake’s sweaty chest, propelling him out of his space. Jake stumbled backwards comically, having to do a silly shuffle to keep from falling on his ass. When he righted himself, he gripped the vulnerable spot on his wrist and shot an incredulous scowl at Kell and an angry one at Quick.

Quick’s green eyes were on Kell. “Only Karate or Judo, Kellam. No Krav Maga!”

“You said during the sparring use only Karate and Judo.” Kell narrowed his eyes at Jake. “We were not sparring. I was defending myself against unwanted touching.”

Kell heard several men laughing as he kept all his attention on Jake. Duke’s deep chuckle was the loudest of all.

“You playing the innocent card, huh?” Jake murmured, standing up straighter, doing his best to save face. “You wanna roll with the real men, then you’ll be treated like one. Let’s get started. No sucker punches this time.”

Jake stood in the center of the mat, his face twisted with fury. It was never good to fight when angry. That crippling emotion had no place on the mat and it certainly had no influence on Kell’s composure. He came to the center of the mat, turned and bowed to his master then turned and straightened his back to Jake. He wouldn’t give him the respect of even a slight bow. He was a dirty fighter who used mind games and tricks. Dishonorable.

Jake bounced around on the balls of his feet, his fists up in a classic street-fighter style and motioned that he was ready. Kell didn’t move or charge with his Karate. There was no first strike in this style. Karate’s principles were about respect and justice; therefore, not suited for his trickster opponent. So, when Jake bent low and lunged his upper body toward Kell’s stomach, he pulled on his Judo, which was all about unbalancing his foe. He side-stepped as soon as Jake went to grab him around his waist, and spun on his heels while shoving his hand into the middle of Jake’s back. The move was effortless, and it sent Jake’s thick body to the mat with a force no one thought Kell possessed. Especially Jake, who lay staring up at Kell with surprise.

Kell squatted beside him. “You’re a fool to discount a man because of his appearance. Do you still like how pretty I am?” Kell growled low “The more beautiful the snake, the more poisonous its venom. Now, get up. I want everyone to keep watching you fall.”