Ty and Kell trailed Dana while he walked them through the process of securing a bounty back into custody. There were only a couple of documents to fill out, then their skip was turned over to the sheriff. Dana shook hands with a few guys he recognized, then they were out of there.

“That’s it?” Kell asked when they were back in the truck.

“Yep. We just transfer custody.” Dana started the engine. “The jail and courts take it from there.”

“Easy enough,” Ty murmured.

“Sure. The transfers are fine, it’s the locate and apprehend that takes all the work.” Dana looked at Ty. “Hopefully, that’s where you come in. Brian calls you a mastermind. Says you’re best under pressure.”

“I guess we’ll see won’t we,” Ty answered.

“You forgot I was one of the ones that came with Brian to get you. I’ve seen what you do under pressure,” Dana remarked, pulling into a small convenience store right before the interstate ramp.

“And what did you see him do because he’s yet to show me his super power?” Kell smiled at him teasingly from the backseat.

“You wouldn’t believe it if I tried to retell it. I’m thirsty. Be right back. You guys want a water?” Dana asked, already halfway through the door.

Both he and Kell nodded. When Dana was in the store, Ty turned and stared at Kell. He wanted to say what he needed to in a tactful manner.

“What?” Kell asked. “Say what’s on your mind.”

“If you want to know something about me, then ask me. Not another man.” Ty wasn’t smiling.

“Okay,” Kell said firmly. “I get that.”

“Thank you,” Ty whispered. He was glad Kell didn’t take that the wrong way. But the thought of another man speaking about him to Kell wasn’t sitting well inside him. He didn’t want anyone in Kell’s ear about him, just like no one could come at him with anything negative about his partner. If he wanted to know details, he only wanted to hear them from the sexy lips he was looking at.

“Eat with me tonight.” It wasn’t a request.

“Are you telling me to?” Kell tested.

Ty smiled at him.

“Don’t smile at me like that.” Kell turned his head, but Ty saw the blush before Kell could cover it with his scarf.

When Dana got back into the truck, Kell didn’t ask him to continue with his tale. Ty appreciated how much Kell understood his idiosyncrasies. His partner hadn’t gotten defensive, smart-mouthed or nasty with him, instead he’d sat at Ty’s back like a soothing presence. He couldn’t wait to get them alone again. The end of the work day couldn’t come fast enough. Ty checked the time. Two-forty.

Dana was driving them back to the office when he asked, “We’re done for the day. No one’s at the office. I’m just heading back to drop the truck and get my car. Ya’ll wanna get dropped off somewhere?”

Kell hadn’t agreed to dinner with his mouth, but he had with his eyes, so Ty spoke up, “Thank you, we’d appreciate that. Can you drop us in West Paces, off Northside if it’s not too much trouble?”

“You got it,” Dana responded, barreling down the interstate to an area filled with amazing eateries.


“When should we start your lessons? We have a deal,” Kell asked, sitting across from Ty at a two-top table. His rotisserie chicken salad was delicious. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten so well. He’d heard a lot about Paces & Vine restaurant, but he hadn’t had a chance to indulge. Simply wasn’t in the budget. The laid-back eatery had. a pretty decent crowd and he was relieved that Ty was giving him a little breathing room. Not that he didn’t like him being close, it was just Ty had a way of turning Kell into a ‘yes man’ whenever he was.

“There’s no need to rush. We have to be at Duke’s every day, so…” Ty ate a piece of his pan-seared Ahi. “Most likely after we finish training.”

“I don’t think so.” Kell reached over and gripped Ty’s wrist. He rotated it so he could see the face of his watch. “It’s only four. The dojo is empty on Tuesday evenings. I can show you a few things tonight unless you have other plans.”

Ty turned his hand over and grazed his fingers across Kell’s palm. “Okay. We’ll go there if you want. Tonight it is, then.”

They ate some more but there was something serious on Kell’s mind, had been since Ty had spoken about his father. Kell pushed his almost empty plate to the side. He stared at the man sitting across from him as strong feelings flowed through him, “Tyrell.”

Maybe it was the way Kell said his name, but Ty carefully put his fork down and gave him his full attention, “Yes.”

“At first I didn’t understand Duke’s training system. The partnering. He didn’t exactly give us a courting period, did he? He brought us together late on a Friday night and said, ‘meet your new partner’… we start at dawn. I thought he’d lost his mind. I wasn’t crazy about the idea of having a partner, training buddy, or whatever. Until I saw you… until you spoke.