“Oh, I’m focused,” Ty crooned, staring at the beautiful golden strands of hair on top of Kell’s head.

“Mmhmm. Sure.” Kell put both hands on Ty’s waist and turned him back into position. “This is far enough for you to make a half spin with the blade. Don’t think of putting force behind it, just a moderate throw… like you would a dart.”

Ty turned and gripped the blade with the handle facing the ceiling. He tossed it as casually as Kell had, mimicking his hand movement. The blade whistled through the air and lodged in the board several inches from Kell’s.

“Nice,” Kell whispered. “Now, put the next blade right beside the first one.”

Ty chuckled. Worth a try.

“Keep your eyes on the target the entire time. Aim and release.”

Ty reached back and Kell placed another wicked knife in his hand. He adjusted the blade, leaned forward with his right hand and tossed it again. This time it landed about ten inches away from his first one.

“Better,” Kell said with more bass in his voice. “Again.”

They went on with the lesson until Ty was throwing the knives one after the other, hitting the same point. He probably wouldn’t be able to conceal them and pull them at will like Kell for a while, but he liked his progress. Now, he didn’t feel so rusty. He watched Kell remove the knives from the board and replace them on his wrist.

“You’re a fast learner,” Kell praised.

“And you’re a good teacher.” Ty’s voice was low and full of the desire he was feeling. “I really am a fast learner.”

Kell cut his eyes up at him, swallowing loudly, “Yeah. That’s um… it’s gonna help a lot.”

Ty began walking up on Kell again. To his surprise, Kell tried to retreat. It wasn’t in Ty’s nature to back down. If Kell ran right now, he’d chase him.

“I can learn a lot of things really fast if you’re willing to teach them to me, Kellam,” Ty said Kell’s name as if it was a delicacy to be savored.

Kell cleared his throat as his back connected with the cork wall. Nowhere left to go. Ty kept advancing, feeling like a lion stalking what he craved.

“Are… are we still talking about knife-throwing?” Kell stammered, blushing again.

Ty put his arm on the board, caging Kell in on one side, the other he rested on his shoulder. He massaged him there, before easing his hand back around his neck. The fine hairs at the base of Kell’s skull tickled the skin on his hand. “I’m talking about learning everything.”

Kell’s breathing was labored. His hands clenched at his sides as if he was fighting the urge to reach out and grab. Ty knew how he felt. His head was spinning too, and he felt out of control, but in the best, most exciting way possible. He wasn’t afraid of this. Kellam Knight blew his fucking mind.

Ty deepened the pressure and Kell released an erotic moan that went straight to his balls. He barely held in his groan. This wasn’t about him. None of it was. He had to show Kell he was a man worthy of him. If he treated Kell the way he wanted to be treated, then Ty would have the final reward.

The day had been a productive one. Dinner and their conversation had been good, just like yesterday. Now, tonight, he’d been invited into Kell’s sanctuary, the dojo, a place that was his home away from home. A place he’d entrusted Ty to see and respect. He appreciated that trust, that gift, and he wanted to show it. He wrapped his other arm around Kell’s shoulders and pulled him to his chest. He held him close. Showed him what his security felt like. Kell’s head nestled into his throat perfectly and his arms slowly came up and wrapped around his waist. When he squeezed Ty back, he finally got to let out his own satisfied moan.

He feels so good to me. He feels right.

I can’t let him go.


Man, he hoped he didn’t fall flat on his face. He concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other as Ty walked him home. He’d insisted, even though Kell had told him he’d been walking the route for years and was able to defend himself just fine in case he’d forgotten. But, when Ty pulled his hood on and readied him to go back out into the cold, Kell forgot all about what he’d been refuting— His no easily turned into a yes with Ty in his space.

They didn’t hold hands or get too close, because there were too many cats out moving around the block. Men hustling on the corners. Bored gang members standing on porches waiting for any stimulant to happen by and spark their hatred. When they got to his building a couple of men stood out front, one with a lit cigarette dangling from his mouth, the other was leaning against the railing with a menacing scowl. They were regulars who lived in his building.